What information and proof do I need to print a ticket from 7-11 issued by PIA for an upcomming concert? Any help is appreciated.

I’m trying to buy resale tickets for the Coldplay Tokyo Dome concert thorugh [ticket.co.jp](https://ticket.co.jp) or ticketjam but I want to be 100% sure that the ticket is valid and that I can properly get in to the concert venue.

I believe based on the latest info, the ticket number is sent through an email and then all you need to do is put in the ticket number into the 7-11 machine and it will print out the physical tickets. It will have the name of the original holder printed but it is extremely unlikely that they will check because people pass around tickets to their friends and it would take too long when going through the entrance.


I just learned about Cloak app and I believe that they are the ones sending the emails for the tickets. How does this play into the whole process. Can the person transfer their tickets through cloak to my account and then I can use the cloak app and proof to pickup 7-11 tickets?

I’m trying to understand the process as this is my first time trying to get any sort of tickets, let alone japanese tickets which have to make everything impossibly difficult.

Thank you

  1. I got a ticket via e+ so it can be a bit different, but I had a barcode that I only had to show to the cashier. I also selected to pay at the convenience store, so I paid and they printed the ticket.

    So there is likely something like an upc code or some instruction, the cashier should be able to help.

    Using a ticket with a different name is probably something you would do at your own risk, there is group that have been more strict with ID control. There is a ticket that I was not able to get myself and the website said that resale is prohibited and said you need to bring your passport (no idea if they checked them, but they could).

    Buying tickets in Japan is difficult because of the system the websites put in place, likely in reaction to anti-scalping laws.

  2. Cloak sends the following email to the owner of the ticket. It will contain a link with the ticket number on it.

    Email title:【重要】Cloakサイト内の未発券チケットお引き取り・お取り扱いのお願い

    You can get your tickets from either 7/11 or Family Mart but you have to set it in the website. If you get it from 7/11, you just show the cashier the number and they’ll input it in the system and print the ticket for you. If you get it from FamilyMart, you have to input the number in the machine yourself and ask the cashier to print the ticket for you.

    You cannot change the ticket’s name in the app/website so the ticket will bear the name of the original owner.

  3. >it is extremely unlikely that they will check because people pass around tickets to their friends and it would take too long when going through the entrance

    It REALLY depends on what your tickets are for. For super popular Japanese artists like Arashi, they absolutely check ID matches the ticket. If one person bought tickets for friends, they must enter together. This is to prevent resale.

    Major international artists, it’s certainly possible they could do the same but not sure if Coldplay would fit that category. Recent largeish Western artists shows I have been to, they haven’t checked. Kpop lives, they have. YMMV.

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