JINS (glasses) online vs physical store

tl;dr, if you are buying from JINS (in Japan) you may want to order online for any possibility of returning the product in case you changed your mind.

Here was my problem when buying from a physical store

I bought from a physical JINS store and before the delivery I wanted to switch to a different frame (which had the same lens size), but I was denied the change of order. To be fair, I was happy to pay for the lens that maybe already in manufacture in case they can’t fit the new frame, but no there was just no option for that and I am now stuck with the current frame though I haven’t even touched it.

The store staff was less than helpful so I then asked on their website to see what can be done, they replied there is no exchange or refund allowed if you bought in-store, no 30 days return grace period either, while these are available if I bought online.

What puzzled me further is you could order online and still have your prescription, just the way you paid made that difference.

I guess there is no reason not to buy online if you are not in a rush.

  1. I’d buy from Costco. My last pay of JINS glasses got destroyed when my toddler kicked my face. My Costco pair has been holding strong for years after two toddlers.

  2. I haven’t had any issues with JINS, then again I generally treat them gently. The quality of the optics are amazing for the cost.

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