Japan is living in the Future

Japan is living in the Future

  1. Maybe you should try living there and you will see what it is really like. Japan is super advanced in some ways but super backwards in others. They can be extremely old fashioned and rigid in their ways. OH and let’s not forget that paedophilia, while technically illegal in Japan, is actually the source of a lot of money as whole industries are built around it. Take a look at loli-hentai or the junior gravure idol industries and tell me that Japan is a cool and super progressive place. 🙂 Look at what happened to two of the singers of BabyMetal for a great example of what kind of country Japan really is. Softcore pornography modelling at EIGHT YEARS OLD. Like, oh em gee, guys, *so* le braveries.

  2. Efficient packaging is not futuristic. These aren’t new. I remember using them as a kid in the early 90s.

  3. Aren’t these everywhere?

    Maybe not these exact versions, but the general concept at least?

  4. Sadly American culture tends to prioritize changes that lead to cost-savings or profit-margins over other metrics like customer experience. It’s unlikely we’ll ever see this implemented here as it adds little to no profitable value to the corporation to improve convenience on free condiments.

    I can only hope it does well enough overseas that they get imported and popularized here, but even then corporations would probably stubbornly refuse to adopt it.

  5. I remember I learned the way those packets worked after living in Japan for some three years. I’d been opening up the packets the normal way (for a dumb American) for three years. I felt so stupid!

  6. *single use plastic*

    Person: No!!! They’re bad!!!!!

    *single use plastic in Japan*

    Same person: :O

  7. Returning back to Europe after spending 3 Weeks in Japan is like traveling back to the stoneage.

  8. We also had these in the states in 1999 and thereabouts. I remember my mother ordered them and you’d shake em to get the dressing everywhere!

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