Weekly Praise Thread – 01 July 2022

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. After the suggestions from some people on this sub I tried some sour ramen. Was surprisingly good, not something I’ll do every time but nice to do on occasion

  2. I want to praise Japan for legalizing CBD. Been using 99.6% isolate for a while now and it’s really relaxing.

    I also used to get nightmares almost every night and haven’t had any since I’ve been using CBD.

    I used to wake up really exhausted everytime but now I feel refreshed when I wake up.

  3. I passed my driving test on the first try! Barely.

    I took about 7 hours of driving lessons beforehand. Just happy I passed and can drive in Japan now

  4. I got a non-ALT job in Japan! It’s fully remote!

    This month is going to be pretty busy for me, but I’m very happy.

  5. Praise to Lake Biwa for the breeze making the mid 30s temperatures tolerable! I was even totally comfortable without the AC for a few days. Where’s the shrine where I can go say my thanks to this magnificent beast?

  6. Got covid and it sucks, but have to say the uchisupo grocery box offered by the city are quite nice!

  7. I’m so thankful for the insulation in our house! We built a house a couple of years ago, and I insisted on getting the best/most insulation possible.

    Now we’ve been able to just run our aircon at 27-28 or just have a fan/circulator running and it feels perfectly cool.

    It’s night and day compared to the previous years living in apartments, sweating buckets with the aircon at 24.

    Also, TFIF!

  8. Think it being friday is plenty enough praise but a lot of good things over the last few days and over the next few days so here goes:

    Thank fuck for air conditioning. Tuesday is bonus day + finding out how much my pay increased after promotion. I’ve gotten my 5K times to just under 30 minutes and gf and have dinner plans for the weekend. Should have my driving licence by next friday too so exciting times!

  9. Now that it’s July…
    I’m finally going home end of this month! I’ve been terribly homesick and haven’t been back in 3 years, so there’s a huge sense of relief.

  10. It’s Friday, sunny, I’m getting my nails done today and planning on getting a nice coffee somewhere afterward, going on a little weekend trip tomorrow AND i’m going to Okinawa next week. Life’s gooooood

  11. Our daughter had some great development over the past week. Something clicked for her and she went from whining/crying in some situations to actually using simple words to communicate wanting/not wanting to do something. Also started singing along to songs and in general following simple requests and instructions much more amiably. She’s still really strong willed and stubborn like her father but it’s so cool to see her grown and blossom.

  12. Some friends have invited us to their 実家 to collect potatoes, to protect them from the inoshishi. It’ll be brutally hot, but they’re very nice people and always have good champagne in the fridge.

  13. Found my air con remote 🙂

    Had a presentation yesterday and it went well

  14. Got sick and tired of my long hair sticking to my back so I spent a few hours giving myself a proper layered cut. Probably lost a few nerve cells doing it but damn do I look good now.

  15. The crowling my daughter and I saw hopping along the street and their parents that swooped on us to keep us away just two days ago are now happily sitting on power lines, electricity poles and in the tree.

    Kids develop so fast, at least the feathery kind!

  16. Thank god my company made office voluntary as of this month aka today. The heatwave has been killing me and now I can hermit under my AC 24/7.

  17. Toddler is finally starting to have a few actual words out of his mouth, and seems very keen on learning words.

    It’s a relief because he’s almost 2 and I was worried it would take wayyyyy more time than regular kids as we speak to him in 2 languages.

    Right know he can say: Banana, Encore (again), Yes(in his own words, but he uses it as yes), これ, 痛い.

  18. Weather says 37°, but my apartment is actually cool today. Last night, when I could afford to shut off the AC for a moment, I cleaned the filters and sprayed the unit with AC cleaner. I do this every now and then, but I didn’t expect it to work out so well. Maybe I need to clean it every month as opposed to every season.

    For anyone with an old AC from the 90s, cleaning it might help keep things cooler.

  19. So my boss was finally transferred. At least I think he was transferred, I’m not interested enough to ask. His last words to me were “I don’t have a pen”. That was when I asked him to sign my timesheet.

    I worked with the guy – sat next to him – for nearly three years.

    At the same time, woman who worked behind me went around to everyone’s desk and handed out cakes and we had a good last chat before she left. This morning I saw she sent an email to everyone thanking us for being a nice group to work with and wishing us well.

    So, yesterday was a really good day. I’ll hopefully never see my boss again. Won’t see the nice lady either maybe, but I got some free cake and affirmation that some of my coworkers are pleasant people.

  20. It’s Friday.

    For one piece of the ancient, monolithic, spaghetti-monster code I’ve been porting, just got the go-ahead to axe a section that was particularly stupid. I should’ve asked a week ago, I guess, but that’s on me.

    Some of my pepper plants have perked back up after being on the verge of death (this time, shishito and piman that I bought already as little plants).

  21. I am all prepared for next week, so I can finish my work today and then actually enjoy my weekend! Yay!

  22. Stranger things comes out on Netflix tonight. Got all the good snackies gonna watch it with hubby after work after the baby goes to bed

  23. It so hot outside that it doesn’t feel uncomfortable taking cold showers! Cold showers help me feel more refreshed and active.

  24. thanks to the new oil cleansing routine I’m using on my scalp, I can actually go out and about with second day hair without being even slightly paranoid that I look or smell greasy. I’ve been washing every day for years, so I’m gonna have to work up slowly to three days without washing, but I’m pretty pleased so far with the results.

    also made another batch of muffins (banana with walnuts) that came out less burnt than the batch last week.

  25. I brought a sandwich on an English muffin for lunch today. My colleagues asked me, マフですか? I didn’t realize that I was eating muff today for lunch, but that’s slightly humorous.

  26. Small praise, but I bought some garlicky tzatziki at Kaldi, and it was surprisingly good. I’m starting to see more mediterranean restaurants/menu options recently, and loving it. It’s my favorite.

  27. Not exactly this week only, but I remembered to praise the engineers (both kinds), repair people, conductors, cleaners, and all the other people who keep Tokyo’s eminently praiseworthy rail systems running so smoothly.

    I grew up in a town with (once in a while) two trains per day, have visited places where the question was “will the scheduled train come today,” and, when last I took a train in the US, got stuck in a tunnel in August for four hours with no lights, air conditioning, or apology.

  28. Toddler is warming back up to me after being pretty standoffish after I got back home from a 2-week work trip. He’s never asked for me to put him to bed before, but lately he’s been asking for me to stay with him while he goes to sleep. He’s starting to use English more again, too.
    I think I’ve mostly gotten rid of the Thai food baby I added during that same trip…

    And the concert Blu-ray I’ve been waiting for should get here today, so I can have some アイ活 time this weekend, really looking forward to that.

  29. 7-Eleven’s chili chicken sandwich, while a bit pricey, tastes really good and packs a lot of protein without killing the calorie count (24g for 247kcal). Can’t believe I’ve been missing out on that.

    Somewhat related, but after a month of calorie counting and food tracking, I’ve lost a kilogram. Still have a ways to go, but restricting myself to 1500kcal a day (as opposed to 1200kcal in my previous attempt) is definitely more doable for me.

    Oh and it’s Friday

  30. There’s a food truck in Shibuya in Shinsencho next to the Shinsen Children’s playground and the guy who runs it has the most strongly American accented Japanese I’ve ever heard. He sounded like one of those guys in the sports stadiums who yells out “Hot dogs! Beer! Popcorn! Get your hot dogs beer and popcorn here!” but he was speaking Japanese. And the way he treated customers was kind of rude too which I thought was funny.

  31. Praise the AC Lord.

    First wireframe meeting and the client was super happy about it. I’m in charge of it this time. So good job me. Also the main designer and boss made me correct some spot when my first draft was more OK with the client. Hehe.

  32. Daughter arrived safely back in Japan for the summer, and the process through Narita was really smooth. Need to show proof of vaccination and proof of a negative test before departure but no time delays in the airport after landing. Super smooth.

  33. Took Monday and Tuesday off just because. Got off work on time today. It was nice all the way around.

  34. Going against the grain here, but I’m so inexplicably happy to see spring/summer this year, despite the extreme temperatures. I work from home with good AC and realise that’s a massive luxury though!

    Silly little life story post incoming

    For some reason, this past winter was really hard for me… I don’t usually suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder but maybe this time I did? Or maybe I was tired of covid, maybe I missed my family, maybe I was just bored, life was stagnating and the weather was too cold. Lots of people felt the same I suppose

    But I do know that for the first time in my life I felt vaguely hopeless and like I couldn’t find a solid reason to wake up everyday (bleak but that’s the truth). It wasn’t enough to say something, but I definitely felt like something was not right. It was the absolute longest winter of my life – even though the Japanese cold season is only like 3 months, much shorter than the British one!

    Anyway, March/April brought a little spark of joy that kept growing as the days passed, and now I feel absolutely great to see the sun and feel the heat. It was 38 degrees in Osaka today which is absurd, it’s selfish and stupid but I’m just relieved to feel the happiness now that was missing 6 months ago 🙂

  35. The Key lime pie at Red Lobster. Surprisingly, almost as good as the real thing.

  36. * boss says he will support me, would like to cooperate in my whatever my future brings

    * Went on a great date, hung out and drank until almost last train!

    * caught up with a former colleague after almost two years, so many laughs were had

    * The installation at the Spanish Embassy seems to have turned out really well (if anyone is interested, it’s a photo exhibition in the Galleria of the Embassy, open to the public M-F 10:00-16:00 until 7/13!)

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