Those of you who went to the UK with your spouse and came back. Please share your experience!

Likely to do the same within a couple of years, granted the situation might change completely but wanted to know as much as possible as to what led you leaving and what made you come back!



  1. I did got to the UK for vacation with my wife but I don’t think that’s the scenario you’re looking for

  2. This isn’t me but I know a few people in similar situations.

    – someone I was at dinner with last night went back for work opportunities but came back to Japan during Covid for the benefit of his little one. She’s only 3 or 4 and they had more direct support in Japan to help with childcare. Says they would have stayed in England otherwise, just full on lockdowns in the UK made things too difficult. Cost of living in the UK is definitely a joke at the moment, but salaries are higher and depending on your career there can be a lot more available work

    – my boss has been back in the UK for about 6 years now as they wanted the kids to get an education in English for the long term benefit. Think it’s worked – their English was apparently awful before moving but now they’re both at uni doing well. He says he’s probably going to head back to Japan with the wife once the kids move out because he loves it here (and mostly because his wife seems to mostly “tolerate” UK life)

    My wife and I will probably be back in the UK a few years as she’s not Japanese either so nothing is tying us here except work. Honestly the biggest pain in moving back is sorting out a spousal visa. The application process is unbelievable – so much paper work, it’s EXPENSIVE and extremely stressful as they seem to reject people for all manner of small things.

    Other than that, I’d say life in the UK will definitely depend on your partner’s English level – most of the people I’ve heard who have issues are because their partner has struggled to integrate and make friends. So if you’re moving to the middle of nowhere and your spouse also doesn’t speak that great, I’m guessing they’ll want to head back to Japan after not too long. For my boss, he lives in a “university city” with a big network of other Japanese people that has definitely helped his wife keep social and stay here long-term.

  3. i don’t quite get the question…. why this could be a problem? just go wherever u like 😅😅

  4. I went back to the states for a few years but ended up coming back since work opportunities for both of us were better here.

  5. Every time my wife has travelled to the UK, with or without me, immigration have been awful cunts to her.

    I remember one occasion they accused her of faking her marriage for a visa because if we were ACTUALLY married, why would she be travelling to my parents’ house two days before I landed (I had to travel later than her because of work).

    Basically UK immigration is the leading edge of the hostile environment that the British government established to demonstrate their hatred of foreigners, and as a foreigner your spouse will have to deal with that every time she travels. Things may go entirely smoothly but you both need to be prepared for some douchebaggery along the way.

  6. My wife and I came back in 2014, in London she just got on with it.

    However around 2013 she told me she was planning to return as her family were getting older, I was fine with that. So for me it was more about things like shipping containers and getting everything organized.

    Since then no problems, but I feel that I have been given the job of dealing with any of the UK paperwork, even when it’s something in her name.

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