how to start the statement of purpose?

it is only a few days before the submission of the application yet I’m still having a hard time doing my SOP. I’ve been doing outlines and writing some drafts but still, I couldn’t find the best way to start. I know that I should start by answering the question “Why are you applying for JET” and the rest is history. I have the answer, I just don’t know how to put it into words. I couldn’t think of any way to have an impactful start for my SOP. Do you have any suggestions?

  1. Just use something basic and simple like “I want/wish to join the JET programme because…..” and then go from there. Don’t overthink it too much.

  2. Just as the other suggested, maybe stating your intention in the program. “The reason I am applying for JET is X or y reason and it aligns with my interests”

  3. You’re probably overthinking it or, like me, get anxious about doing things correctly so I just don’t do anything at all.

    For me, I try to think of it like a story: start with why you want to do the JET Programme and how you got interested in Japan. Don’t worry about word count, page count, spelling, etc. Just write it. From there, edit it, make corrections, and trim it down to a good word count. I know for me, the beginning is the hardest part. Once I get a flow going, I’m good.

    Also, Tofugu’s guide to writing an SOP helped me a lot if you haven’t seen it already:

  4. I’d think there’s two ways to approach it. If you’re prose-savvy, start with a hook. A short story, only a few sentences long, that highlights a unique aspect of yourself absent from your resume. Maybe the story is an experience that got you interested in Japan. Then tie it into your skills and culture, or answer the other prompts.

    Otherwise, be direct. If writer’s block is hitting you hard, answer all the questions in a simple, academic essay style. You know how to answer the why, so start there. There’s no shame in omitting a fancy start. If anything, trying to muddle through makes the writing convoluted. So start with the why. Maybe you’ll develop an impactful start. But if not, stick with the basics and get the info down as best you can.

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