Do you know that the same kanji can have different readings and meanings?

for example
なにけん:what prefecture
なんけん:how many prefectures

なにかい:what floor
なんかい:how many floors

✨なん or なに Rough distinction✨
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Japanese is very interesting💛

  1. >Do you know that the same kanji can have different readings and meanings?


    This is basically the first thing anyone learns when learning kanji.

    With that said;

    >なにかい:what floor

    This isn’t correct.

    When used to say ‘what floor’, 何階 is *still* read なんかい. It’s only the meaning that slightly changes depending on the context.

    In a similar vein, 何県 becoming なんけん is theoretically possible, but has a basically near-zero chance of every actually coming up in conversation.

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