Can I teach in Japan

I am a 25 yo man from a non English speaking country in Africa, I have a BA in English studies and currently studying an MA in the same field.

I was wondering if it’s possible for a profile like mine to teach English in Japan in a private institution or something like that (keep in mind that I don’t have experience teaching)

I would really love to teach in Japan because it’s going to be an especially great experience with a lot of benefits to my profile

  1. If you have 12 years of education completed in the English language. If you don’t I think it would almost be impossible.

  2. Absolutely, my friend is from Chile and teaches English at a private school. Before that he was teaching at junior high school.

  3. I have a coworker from the Ivory Coast. English is a second language for her, but she’s fluent with a decently thick French accent. It might be difficult to find a place that doesn’t ask for 12 years of school in English, but it can absolutely be possible.

  4. Yes You can. I have worked with people from Nigeria, Ivory Coast, South Africa.

  5. The instructor visa requires 12 years of education (in total) in English, unless you’re directly hired full time by a school.

    The humanities visa may or may not require 3 years of experience in the field if you do not have 12 years of education, depending on the business (different requirements for different tax statuses apparently).

    So yes, you can get a job, but it’ll be harder than if you were from a native country.
    Harder still if you are searching from abroad.
    Best of luck 🤞

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