Itinerary check, 14 days in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima+Myajima and Kanazawa, is it doable?

Hello, this is my first time in Japan, I’ll be traveling solo and interested in historic sites and new food. I’m definitely interested in exploring the “typical” attractions and highlights but I would also like to know a bit more off the road places (I think Kanazawa can still be considered a bit like that?).
This is my high-level plan but I wonder if it will be too rushed? I don’t know if it would be recommended to spend more time in Tokyo/Kyoto and maybe skip some parts like Hiroshima+Miyajima or the whole Kanazawa leg?
\- 10/25 – Arrive in Tokyo at 2PM, walk around, but mostly rest
\- 10/26 – Explore Tokyo (Akasuka, Akihabara, maybe Marunouchi)
\- 10/27 – Explore Tokyo (Shinjuku, Shubuya, maybe Roppongi)
\- 10/28 – From Tokyo, day trip to Hakone
\- 10/26 – Travel to Kyoto, arrive around noon, explore Kyoto
\- 10/30 – Explore Kyoto
\- 10/31 – Day trip to Himeji
\- 11/01 – Day trip to Nara
\- 11/02 – Travel from Kyoto to Osaka
\- 11/03 – Explore Osaka
\- 11/04 – Day trip from Osaka to Hiroshima and Miyajima, travel direct to Kanazawa from Osaka
\- 11/05 – Explore Kanazawa, visit Takaoka/Toyama
\- 11/06 – Travel to Kanazawa →Tokyo
\- 11/07 – Depart from Tokyo in the evening


I’d love to know some opinions on my itinerary from people who have traveled to Japan before.

  1. Looks good except Day trip from Osaka to Hiroshima and Miyajima, travel direct to Kanazawa from Osaka. Hiroshima and Kanazawa are in opposite directions. Choose one.

  2. Himeji is between Osaka and Hiroshima, I would move that day around. Are you planning on seeing much more than the castle? It doesn’t take a full day.

    Also the train between Hiroshima and Kanazawa would be ~5 hrs.

  3. 11/4 looks like a hot mess. You won’t be able to see hardly anything in Hiroshima and Miyajima in a day trip – and then take a train to Kanazawa?

    Going on a day trip to Toyama on 11/5 seems a waste too. Use that day to enjoy Kanazawa. If there is something particular you want to see in Toyama, you can do a stopover on your way back to Tokyo.

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