Japan’s top currency diplomat escalates warning against weak yen

Japan’s top currency diplomat escalates warning against weak yen


  1. >”We have all options available and we are not ruling out any options,” Kanda said when asked whether authorities stand ready to intervene in the market. “I won’t comment on what to do now.”

    Lol no surprise there.

    The problem is Japan’s debt is so high, and rates kept low for so low, if they start bumping up the interest rates it will have massive effects on the economy. This is on top of the decreasing population which means there are less and less Japanese serving more and more debt, on top of serving more and more old folks with less and less young people.

    An extreme quagmire and Japan doesn’t really want to use any of the options on the table but would just like to reiterate all options are on the table.

    Immigration? On the table baby!

    Rate hikes? On the table baby!

    Changing the culture to allow more women in the workforce? On. The. Table. Baby!

    I don’t expect the yen to get much stronger in the future, especially as the US central bank and other central banks feel the need to wrangle inflation. Japan has been able to ride it out in the past, but the population issue is so big now, I don’t think the next 30 years will be as kind as the past 30 years (even though those 30 years weren’t great either! Aka the burst of the bubble).

  2. I’ve steadily watched the yen get obliterated in the last 10 years living in Japan. I have basically zero confidence that it will improve. It’s 143 yen to $1 now, and I fully expect it to break 250 in the next ten years.

    Japans economy is in shambles and the indecisiveness will cause another “bubble’ to pop. Perhaps we can call it a depression.

    Either way I’ve already decided to jump ship long term for now.

    Edit: No need to crusade downvote. I love Japan but the reality is it’s deeply financially struggling. Despite this I’m financially better off than most of peers in Japan but it doesn’t feel good watching people struggle to make ends meet. No need to believe me, go apply for an company and compare your salary yourself.

  3. What does this mean for regular jackoffs?

    To clarify: people who live here, and do not need to exchange between JPY and GBP, or any other currency.

  4. 大丈夫、大丈夫政府信じろ!(sarcastic)
    If you don’t do this and have any critical thinking skills then you are 反日.

    Sometimes I wonder what’s the point of democracy in Japan no one seems to really say or do anything that changes the norm and to improve things.

    Yen will continue to go down,
    Brith rate will continue to go down,
    National debt will continue to go up,
    Immigration will not go up…

    I guess as long as Japan remains a military base for the US, Uncle Sam wouldn’t let her sink completely..?

    Your guess is as good as mine.

  5. If that yen crashes im buying up and importing more of your cars. Please help me realise my dream

  6. Is Kanda like, accusing foreign reserves of purposely dumping the Yen to make it drop in value even faster than it should be because of the asymmetric monetary policy?

    It sounds like he is saying, “we don’t care if the Yen gets weak, but we’ll step in and prop it up if it starts to drop faster than it should.”

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