47% of people removing masks more often in Japan, but women keeping them on: Mainichi poll – The Mainichi

47% of people removing masks more often in Japan, but women keeping them on: Mainichi poll – The Mainichi


  1. My Japanese female friends say they love mask because of the opportunity to be makeup free.

  2. it’s so shocking to me!

    Perspective: I’ve been in Korea this whole while and they were reluctant as hell to stop here. The day they announced it was no longer required on subways, 1% stopped. A few weeks later 10%. Now we’re at like 95% of people without masks several months in. I thought it was equally extreme to the most conservative places in the world. I was wrong.

  3. Of all the places I visited in Japan recently, Osaka by far had the most maskless people. Slowly but surely.

  4. It’s very rude for women to leave the house without makeup, at least in Japan. Best to keep the masks on. Humans are gross.

  5. Just got back from a trip to Japan and noticed this. If a young woman is with a guy she wouldn’t have a mask on but otherwise it seemed to be about 90% wearing masks.

  6. That’s weird because I feel like I definitely see way more women not wearing masks. I assumed because they mess up your makeup. It was so annoying during the pandemic having them rub the makeup off my cheeks and nose bridge and then looking ridiculous when I took it off to eat or whatever

  7. The Japanese have always used masks to prevent disease since 2003, I remember taking a video of Haijima station in 2019 January and I kid you not, almost half of Japanese were wearing masks even back then.

  8. I went outside for the first time without a mask last week and OF COURSE an old man came up to me and kept repeatedly telling me to put one on. I asked why he wasn’t telling anyone else to put on a mask but then I realized I was the only one around without one… I’m back to mask wearing until more people stop. As a foreigner I don’t really want to be at the forefront.

  9. I got on a train recently and was blown away at how beautiful one women’s eyes were. It was crazy beautiful until she took off her mask to drink water and I said to myself, nevermind.

  10. You wear masks to protect others. I wear masks because I’m ugly af. We are not the same.

  11. Day by day I see more and more people without them.
    I still wear it tho, I love it, I love to hide my disgusting face.

  12. I think this is really fascinating. It shows both the willingness to negotiate mask usage but also the mental illness that is undoubtedly connected to mask wearing. Japan is a good case study for this.

  13. It’s really sad to wear a mask because you think people are staring at how “ugly” you are on the street. I wish these people would get help. I did for social anxiety and life has been much better

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