Leopalace21 internet provider option

Hello mate!
I’m actually living in one leopalace21 apartment with lifestick in Yokohama.
I having troubles to find a provider Internet because of the shitty rule about not doing even a small hole.

So my question is:

Anyone who lives in one of those apartment have find a provider?
There’s anywhere a compatible list of provider for leopalace21 who doesn’t need to make an hole for installation, but using Aircon hole?

Thanks all!

  1. What kind of internet do your neighbors use? Do you have cable TV in your room? Then you could use J-Com. I think NTT can install fiber internet through your aircon hole, but even for that kind of installation you need the landlord’s permission. If you stay there for around a year, I suggest getting 5G based internet or pocket wifi (eg Rakuten Mobile).

  2. Your first mistake is getting a leopalace. But the internet should be provided and it isn’t bad. If you don’t have it then really depends on your apartment as each provider has to see where you live to see what internet is best. Mobal and Sakura are the easiest providers and can also get phone with them

  3. “provider” doesn’t make hole, NTT (or local fiber company) contractor does. You just have to tell them that the only way to get fiber into the building is via aircon duct. mention this when you call/ email to sign up. any NTT using provider would work.

  4. > There’s anywhere a compatible list of provider for leopalace21 who doesn’t need to make an hole for installation, but using Aircon hole?

    Doesn’t work that way – they still need access to the building’s communications junction and conduits. No matter how you slice it, you need their permission to install a line. Not going to happen.

  5. Buy a router and stick the Ethernet directly into that, don’t use the life stick. You’ll be a better connection that way.

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