Is Arteria/Xpass a bad VNE?

I have Flet’s Hikari Cross with [En Hikari]( and lately it’s been borderline unusable for work, with Zoom calls regularly dropping and even disconnections from the company VPN (Zscaler).
The Zoom network diagnostic tool shows significant packet loss.

I’ve tried tethering using my company phone instead and none of these issues occur.

Is this [Arteria’s]( fault or the ISP?

My company seems to not have deployed IPv6 at all so far. I use an OPNSense box as my router and my other devices work fine, so I don’t think it’s an issue with my equipment.

If it’s the VNE, what are some good providers that do IPv4 via DS-Lite on Flet’s Hikari Cross?

  1. had similar issues with my company VPN for au/bigglobe as of about two months ago.

  2. Been a happy Asahi Net customer for over 20 years. Would recommend.

    FLETs with PPPoE & IPv4 has notorious performance issues in some areas due to the way NTT designed the system. If you switch to IPoE with IPv6 and tunnel the IPv4, you should get much better performance.

  3. Hikari cross is the 10 GBps service, probably you mean hikari flets?

    On, which v4 and v6 backbones (2-tuple and 4-tuple) are shown?

    Packet loss could be a local problem especially since you say it started recently, try to ping6 and see if packet loss occurs on either or both v4 and v6.

    BB excite mec å…‰ is a ds lite service with Transix available on all NTT East and West optical lines that works very reliably and has the industry-wide lowest pricing. No PPPoE so super fast and not congested during peak hours.

    If you combine Rakuten Mobile with Rakuten Hikari, it’s also among the cheapest (you get more Rakuten points/SPU) and you’ll be on Arteria xpass for ds lite. Transix and xpass have nearly the same performance, I would solely choose from the cost and ecosystem point of view.

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