advice on buying a car

quick conext:

1. working in Japan for almost 5 years
2. do not have conversational Japanese
3. Want to get a used car
4. everyone I talk to online seems to be asking almost 200/300k more than what the price should be

Does anyone happen to know anyone who can help me get a used car? If it is from an auction, best.

Now, I do not want to get the auction price. Obviously if anyone is running a business, they are entitled to the profit. But every other option I saw seemed high-ball prices.


Also is it possible to pay partially in cash and other in credit card (for example 70% on cash and 30% through CC).


  1. Please check “” they are very reliable

  2. If you want the best price, buy through the auctions. You can find services that have the licenses and will buy on your behalf. In exchange for the lower price you take on some additional risk.

    If you don’t want to take on the additional price then you get to pay used car lot prices. Yes, they are higher than the auction prices. You can try to negotiate but keep in mind that the lowest prices you see at auctions does not mean that all cars sell for those prices. Their profit could be less than you believe.

  3. Older cars have almost no value, so you can buy a very nice car for very little…. but the yearly (or bi-yearly) *shaken* can add up.

    [This site]( is an owner-to-buyer marketplace. I sold a car here once (and got almost nothing for it, though it was a Mercedes in very good shape). Someone got what I think was a steal, but that’s just how the market is here.

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