Kishida Set To Work On Abe’s Priority Goals, Including Amending Constitution

Kishida Set To Work On Abe’s Priority Goals, Including Amending Constitution

  1. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – NHK (B): [Kishida vows to push politics forward with responsibility | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News](
    – Straits Times (B): [Japan's LDP wins big in Upper House election after Abe's assassination](
    – Reuters (A+): [Japan ruling coalition to keep majority in parliamentary vote -exit polls](
    – Nikkei Asia (B-): [Kishida vows to ‘build on Abe’s accomplishments’ after election win](

    [__Extended Summary__]( | [More: Kishida vows to push …]( | [FAQ & Grades]( | I’m a bot

  2. Calling it now: Abe’s assassination was staged for push his goals forward.


  3. Damnit, I knew this would happen.

    Not only does this nutjob killing Abe make him a martyr (he was okay, but he had his shady shady shit), but now it’s added fuel to his most dangerous fire.

  4. Japan’s pacifist constitution is something to be emulated by other countries, not abandoned by brain-dead nationalists larping as samurai.

  5. It truly is what he would have wanted. If they get that done maybe they can deface some memorials to victims of Japanese war crimes.

  6. Why push the agenda of a dead man that no one can vote for? Isn’t that undemocratic? You might as well push the agenda of General Tojo.

  7. Saw a list of the proposed changes in r/worldnews apparently sourced from the LDP themselves and that list is kinda alarming

  8. So Japan is spending 1% of her GDP on the military and they want to double it.

    According to wiki it was 5.34 trillion yen ($51.7 billion in 2021) So they want to double it to ~10 trillion yen.


    (the money what the gov can spend, not the whole GDP) ~107 trillion yen in 2022.
    They are already using 5% of the budget on military, but with the 2% GDP goal it would be 10% of their whole budget.

    So if LDP needs 5% more money they can:

    increase taxes, lower other government spending, more loans

  9. This is what the party promises after every election. They never manages to do it—even when they have a supermajority in the Diet—because Constitutional amendment requires a referendum gaining a majority of votes, but polls continue to show only minority support for amending Article 9.

    This is just the party signalling to their base, without any obligation to actually do anything (which they can’t).

    For instance, [a Yomiuri poll]( recently showed that while there’s 50% support for amending the wording of paragraph 2, 80% were opposed to amending paragraph 1. Not worth expending the political capital on a referendum, just like every other time.

  10. It’s so natual for an advanced democratic free country like Japan now to have a regular military to contain the bad unpredictable countires around the world especially the neighboring countries like North Korea, China, and Russia.

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