Any way to get a cheaper Shindansho?

Searched the sub and there’s only two posts about it. My manager said to take any sick days we need a Shindansho, and that they cost about 5000 yen. I’m an English teacher so obviously I don’t exactly make the most money and thats a pretty steep price for where I’d rather just suffer through but I don’t want to get others sick. Any help would be appreciated. And please don’t say “find a new job” because 1. I’m trying, and 2. you’re not original

  1. Does your company have a list of affiliated clinics? If so, it might be fully reimbursed, or partial. Or even non out of pocket

  2. It’s usually not that the 診断書 (Shindansho) itself costs 5,000¥ but that the whole process of diagnosis, treatment and getting it written will total that. It really depends on the reason you visit the doctor. At my doctor, the consultation etc usually costs 2,000¥ and then the Shindansho cost is only like 600¥. It really depends on the doctor/clinic you go to, some charge more and some charge less.

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