What Nico Nico Rental Car insurance do you usually get and why?

I’ve discovered Nico Nico from this subreddit and used it once and it was really good for its price! Since it’s so popular here, I wonder what level of insurance do you usually get when you rent a car from them and why?

For context:
– パーフェクト補償 Perfect compensation ¥2,200
– 免責補償プラスLiability compensation plus ¥1,650
– 免責補償制度 Disclaimer compensation system ¥1,100
(translated from Google translate)

  1. Max. Considering the savings on multiple other fronts it’s an easier decision.

  2. Always get the max, Nico is known for giving you beat up cars but once you return it they will claim that some of the damage is new and try to charge you for it.

  3. I’ve never had difficulties with them even without getting any additional insurance…

  4. Times Carshare, because 330yen for full coverage. Nico Nico is not cheap if you count in those insurance costs.

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