is circumcision normal in Japan?

Gonna be real, i dont look at dudes dicks so I dont really know what they do here,
But a son is coming soon and I was curious if circumcisions is something japanese do.

I myself am circumcized.

  1. Circumcision in can be done in Japanese hospital for special case but it is not covered by the national insurance unless it is because of disease or sickness. The cost is quite high tough without insurance.

  2. Not that I’ve seen. I also think it’s a choice I wouldn’t make for my child.

  3. It’s not a thing in most countries, because it lacks medical benefit and has negative health consequences. It’s not unclean, all that needs to be taught is to wash underneath it with water, once it naturally is able to retract (about 10 years old).

    I don’t mean to tell you how to live life, but maybe it’s worth just letting it be, and if your kid ever asks to be circumcised for their birthday, then let them do it.

  4. It is not.

    I am a gay dude, and have gotten pretty up close with a fair share of Japanese penises.

    circumcision is only common in the US and the middle east.

    I wish it wasn’t common in the US, as I would’ve been spared involuntary genital mutilation.

  5. It’s not common.

    It is also not reimbursed since it’s not a required health thing.

    tbh I would not do it (my kid isn’t and won’t be unless he choses do to so in his adult life). Whatever the reasons were half a century ago, there is no real reason to mutilate your child nowadays.

  6. I am circumcised but really its just child abuse. Also any religious reasons doesn’t mean its not child abuse.
    To my knowledge it is not normal to be circumcised here. Just go to onsen and stare at some dicks to be safe tho.

  7. I’m pretty sure it’s not common for kids. I have a son myself, and he’s not circumcised, and I used to take him to swimming school when he was little and help him change and stuff, and I don’t think a circumcised penis ever entered my line of sight. Also his pre-school summer events I used to help with, all the kids get changed in the halls and stuff and again, no circumcision. But on the other hand, we often go to our local super sento, and it gets packed on weekends. You inevitably see a lot of dicks, and a lot times I see dick heads (pun maybe intended). I always ask myself, do guys get circumcised later (like if they had phimosis issues or something), or do they just peel their foreskin back before walking around the onsen?? The latter would be really weird honestly.

  8. Not common at all. It’s also inappropriate to have unnecessary cosmetic surgery performed on a baby’s genitals.

  9. If by ‘normal’ you mean ‘common,’ then no, it is not. If you decide to go through with it, you can contact a nearby mosque. They can probably recommend a hospital.

    Also, I would say leave the decision up to your kid. I was raised as a Muslim, so I am also circumcised, and I wouldn’t have my kid go through with it.

    Edit: grammar

  10. Nope, I’ve had my two sons here and it wasn’t even a possible procedure at my hospital. I wouldn’t make that decision for them either.

  11. Its not common in Japan. But I got my son circumcized at Tokyo medical and surgical clinic, it wasnt covered by health insurance so I had to pay ~80k. That wasnt perfect but was good enough, took around 3 weeks to heal.

    I myself am circumcized.

  12. Is not common in Japan, but most of my friends in the States did it for their sons and they’re not religious. It’s really for health reasons down the road. Uncircumcised penis can lead to many health issues such as fungal growth and bacterials built up. Balanitis is a very common condition among uncircumcised men. Uncircumcised men also have higher chance of getting some std such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis than circumcised men. There are many other health benefits as well.

  13. As everyone else has commented, no, it is not common at all as it is generally a cosmetic procedure.

  14. A few reasons why I didn’t do this when our son was born –

    It isn’t mainstream and that made me think –

    1-who can actually do this procedure – turns out we would have to seek out a person

    2-how much practice does that guy get – like I wouldn’t want someone who has done the procedure 3 times in the past 5 years.

    And I thought about why we would and there really isn’t a point these days.

  15. Nope – seen a lot of ducks in onsen and very rare 😆

    Anyone who does it in this day and age should be ashamed – should be prohibited unless for medical reasons if you ask me

  16. It’s not very common in Japan for babies to be circumsized and many hospitals don’t offer it as a birth option. We asked around and found quite a few hospitals/clinics that do offer it and the prices varied widely from 60,000-400,000yen as well as a variety of rules. ie (varying ages they would do etc.)

    My doctor friends have both told me that circumcision for Uni+ aged men via aesthetic clinics is getting more and more popular in Japan and that more and more moms are wanting their babies to get it. I’m not sure if this is actually true however.

  17. Just get it done. You and I both know women prefer it. Your son’s GFs will thank you in the future

  18. I’m a bit surprised tbh that majority of the replies here are against circumcision. I was raised Catholic so it was just natural for me to get it. But even if I was not I would have probably gotten it.

  19. Don’t.
    Your son’s future partner will be grateful to have a piston and not a broomstick.

  20. Infant genital mutilation isn’t “normal” anywhere.

    But no, it’s certainly not a routine procedure in Japan or in most of the world.

  21. No, it isn’t.

    Luckily, Japan is a first world country, and third world practices such as genital mutilation are not normal here.

    I’m shocked that you’re even asking this question.

  22. As someone who has taught a large number of kids who seem to think getting naked is the best way to pee (I mean fair enough, they’re not wrong) and then request my help to get dressed again, I think it’s safe to say genital mutilation is not common in Japan.

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