2 week trip Itinerary check

Hi folks, I was wondering if I could get some itinerary/sanity checks for my upcoming trip. This will be my 3rd time visiting Japan (Very limited Japanese speaking ability). Past two trips have been to Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo. Would like to explore Kyushu since I’m a big fan of nature, hiking, and onsens (also drinking!). Most likely Solo travelling with public transit (I can drive, but have never driven in Japan). Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Sun, Jul 30

* ICN -> FUK
* Fukuoka -> Kagoshima: Kyushu Shinkansen (2 hrs)
* Check in hotel + sight seeing

Mon, Jul 31 (Kagoshima)

* Ferry + Hiking Mt. Sakurajima + Yunohira observatory
* (flex)

Tue, Aug 1 (Kagoshima)

* Yakushima island
* (flex)

Wed, Aug 2 (Kagoshima)

* Senganen
* Mt Shiroyama Park/Observatory
* Kagoshima -> Kumamoto
* Check in hotel

Thu, Aug 3 (Kumamoto)

* Mt Aso
* Shirakawa suigen
* Kurokawa Onsen (?) maybe need to stay overnight

Fri, Aug 4 (Kumamoto)

* Nagabeta + Okishiki
* (flex)

Aug 5 – Aug 8

* Nagasaki + Shimbara? Beppu? Fukuoka?
* (Not sure what to do here)
* Preferably no museums, castles, or temples

Aug 9 (Osaka)

* Hang out with friends
* Asahi brewery
* (flex)

Aug 10 (Shizuoka)

* Osaka -> Shizuoka
* Lake Kawaguchi
* 12:00 Fuji San ascent

Aug 11 (Shizuoka)

* Fuji San descent
* Fuji -> Tokyo
* (flex)

Sat, Aug 12th (Yokohama)

* Hang out with friends

Sun, Aug 13th (Tokyo)

* Seiko + Watch hunting
* (flex)

Mon, Aug 14th

* Check out and last minute shopping at Ginza
* Ginza -> Haneda

(edit: my apologies for the terrible formatting. first time posting.)

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