How long does the immigration office keep a new residence card?

Hey everyone,

I graduated last week and applied for a visa change yesterday (immigration office is a nightmare) since I will start working in September.

I applied early because I plan to return to my home country during the summer and wanted to complete the residence change process.
They told me that they will send me a postcard to inform me when I can pickup the new residence card but the thing is that I might not be here when they do, so I was wondering how long does the Tokyo Immigration office keep a new residence card?

  1. Im not sure about your situation but i just renewed my visa and residence card and from the paperwork being submitted to collecting it from the Immigration office it was about 2 weeks or just under two weeks I think

  2. When does the validity of your current visa run out?

    Generally if you have put in an application you should be ok to go and get the new one so long as it is within 2 months of the end of your visa (the grace period). If you ring up immigration and let them know of your situation then they should be able to help you.

  3. I had to renew my student visa back in 2018 in Kyoto. They said I will recieve a postcard. 2 months later my current visa expired. My school told me not to worry and stay in Japan. Then may be 1-2 weeks more one of the school workers came to me after lessons and told me to go to grab my visa. There were no postcard sended tho. May be school just had a call to immigration.

    Then I applied for working visa in 2019 and it took just a bit more than 1 month. But I applied through the immigration service in Tokyo, so I don’t know if there were any interesting stories with postcards or something.

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