Inconsequential Pet Peeve: High school baseball players at Koshien smiling when losing badly.

It drives me absolutely crazy when the infielders gather at the mound with the team “moodmaker” and everyone is grinning from ear to ear while they discuss how to stop hemorrhaging runs. You’re losing. Really badly. It’s okay to show disappointment or frustration on your face. It doesn’t mean you’ve given up. It just means you understand the gravity of the situation. The smiling is just so disingenuous and performative and I imagine it adds an extra layer of stress for the kids having to pretend they’re totally fine.

  1. I suggest you get a time machine and watch gladiatorial games. Probably more your thing.

  2. Well I am shocked. Its a post on r/japanlife by a foreigner obsessed with what the Japanese do and why it’s wrong according to them.

  3. Omg this is so embarrassing. They’re literally high schoolers. What are you on?!

  4. Can we also talk about how they bunt too much? Ot is that also being a gaijin know-it-all?

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