Are you really going to be ‘disappointed’ if this is ‘just’ a 5 star match?

Are you really going to be ‘disappointed’ if this is ‘just’ a 5 star match?

  1. Anything under than 5 will just be Meltzer trying to stir some shit at this point I consider lol

  2. I don’t even understand the question. I don’t bother with star ratings but anything that’s “five stars” should be a classic, so I wouldn’t be disappointed with that. If you’re referring to Dave Meltzer’s match ratings, they’re goofy and meaningless anyway.

  3. I literally don’t care what meltzer thinks and don’t know why anyone else does either

  4. I don’t care about star ratings or stuff like that, seeing how some fans talk about this match I think they may set themselves up for disappointment because their expectations are getting kinda ridiculous, like they expect it to absolutely be the best wrestling match they’ve ever seen and if it’s not that then they’ll be disappointed.

    No one should be held to that standard, and it’s not like this match has a huge story building to it either, at the end of the day it’s just sold as a dream match. It should be a great match if Danielson is not too beat up and that’s okay. There’s no need to have ridiculous expectations or be disappointed if they just have a great match or a “5 star match” (whatever that means).

  5. My personal star rating only goes up to five, so I’d be pretty stoked if I considered it a five star match.

    If you’re talking about someone else’s rating, I couldn’t give less of a shit what they think. Why would I care beyond whether or not **I** enjoyed it?

  6. No, because that would mean it’s a perfect match. 5 stars out of 5. You can’t go any higher. I mean what would that even mean? Better than perfect? That’s impossible. You’d have to be some kind of hack to rate something so idiotically!

  7. Don’t care about stars. When most of Young Bucks matches are 5 stars and garbage brawls are 5 stars I know the rating is bullshit.

  8. Can we try to enjoy the match before being disappointed?

    It’s unique, it’s an attraction, people are talking about it. Have a Coke and a smile, sit back.

  9. If i’m being 100% honest with myself, as an American fan, I don’t care about the stars with this one. I just want Danielson to be happy with it when he walks to the back. This is probably the one match he had to have when he left WWE.

  10. If this doesn’t get 69 stars 420 in the Tokyo dome then I’m going to rip my dick off and cry

  11. I have a pavlovian response to the word “stars” and now I’m mad. Even if it doesn’t meet my expectations, the dream match feel already makes it special, and there’s a whole card of great matches preceding it. I think only a serious injury could stop this from being memorable

  12. I don’t let other people tell me how much I should be enjoying something. Either I did or I didn’t t

  13. The fact that this match getting only 5 stars is disappointing goes to show the immense talent and aura both of these men have been able to cultivate throughout their respective careers.

  14. I seem to have pretty similar tastes to Meltzer so if he gives it 5 stars then great. More than 5 stars also great. It’s just one dudes just so happens that lots of people think his opinion is more important than others. It’s not, its just seems like only his is reported on. If more outlets other than him and cagematch published and publicised their ratings it would better, more like films and music!

  15. 5 star according to who? That buffoon Meltzer? He’s deluded and has been for 15 years

  16. Friend, please don’t even put this possibility out into the universe. I’m having a bad enough week as it is. I’ve been in the absolute doghouse since Sunday after I forgot to send father’s day cards to a few of my wife’s boyfriends.

    I’m honestly hyperventilating now. Please delete this.

  17. I’m thinking it will be okay. Hard to have a great match when it’s the first time working together.

  18. A 5 star match would indicate that it’s a nearly perfect display of what a wrestling match is and I would be hard pressed that it results in anything but a perfect pro wrestling match

  19. Don’t care about meltzers rating. It’s just his opinion. Can’t stand him.

  20. No, because I don’t really pay attention to star ratings. It’s Okada vs Bryan, it’s going to slap, that’s guaranteed.

  21. No because I don’t put stock in what Dave Meltzer says, I’m capable of determining what I find to be a good match, myself.

  22. Stars is about someone else’s opinion of the match. I’m more concerned about mine. 👍🏻

  23. I don’t care about the rating. What I care about is this poster. It’s so cool!!!

  24. Match ratings over 5 stars are just ALL ELITE bait for Meltzer’s newsletter.

    Any rating system that awards Adam Cole more five star matches than Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, and Randy Savage *combined* is a complete joke.

  25. Aside from this match and Omega vs Ospreay, the rest of the card looks to be the actual disappointment of the PPV. Two dream matches and a bunch of matches that could’ve been booked for weekly TV.

  26. I’ve literally never met anyone that brought up a match’s star rating, with a temporary exception for NJPW Omega fans for like about a year. I see a lot of people acting like people do that, but I’ve never actually seen anyone do it.

  27. I don’t pay attention to Meltzer’s rating anymore, but I’m glad that he enjoys wrestling so much these past few years… maybe we should do the same?

  28. I don’t care how many stars it gets based off of one persons opinion. Period.

  29. Wtf has happened to this sub? People caring about star ratings for matchups smh. We used to be a proper sub. You watched what you got and you did one of two things: that was the best match I’ve ever seen or; I really wish they’d get ________ of my screen.

    Okada in 6. Beats Danielson with a move he’s never won a match with before and it works because of the people involved.

  30. His rankings haven’t mattered to me in a long time. I’m just interested to see how they counter each other’s counters and then some. Hopefully it ends in a draw. A lot of money to be made in the rematches.

  31. This match has a lot of hype, I do believe people will be disappointed if it’s only ‘good’. It’s interesting because these are two of the greatest wrestlers currently living, if the match isn’t an absolutely great one, I think people will be let down. It’s the burden of expectation

  32. Who gives a shit about fucking meltzer ratings. This match will be a classic.

  33. Okada tapped.

    I jumped out of my seat so fast, that I didn’t realize i had done so, until after I was standing.

    THAT is pro-wrestling.

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