Recommended clinics/doctors for scoliosis in Tokyo

I have moderate to severe scoliosis that has recently been causing me a lot of back pain/is just a really big pain in the butt haha.
I’ve been going to a special scoliosis related clinic at a hospital in Tsujido but I am looking for a second opinion from another doctor just to be safe.

My experience in the clinic was pretty good by Japanese medical practice standards- I’ve had multiple check-ups and X-rays and even was scheduled an MRI by the hospital for some neck pain. But, I think it’s always safe to have a second opinion- especially since the doctor I’m currently seeing is on the older side and may be retired by the time I need surgery. (I’ve opted out of surgery now since while I have pain, spinal fusion surgery is a really serious procedure with many months of recovery time with many possible complications.) Additionally, whenever I ask questions he kind of brushes them off/does not answer them fully…

I tried going for a referral route at my local GP but she told me she wasn’t able to issue referrals for scoliosis doctors (even though they noted my scoliosis on my Kenkou Shindan and told me to ask about it.)

I was wondering if any of you have doctor recommendations in the Tokyo area. Either for-
A. An orthopedic clinic
B. A hospital with doctors who will actively listen/offer suggestions
C. Any other clinic you know of that looks at scoliosis patients

Thank you in advance for your help!

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