Crazy sleepiness when studying

Hey all,

So quick background: I’ve been living in Japan for a year now, working for a Japanese company. I didn’t speak Japanese when I first got here but after working full time for a Japanese gymasntikcs company it’s coming along nicely ( Still loads of work to do though). Also living in Tokyo with my Wife ( English) and 4 year old son, 1.5 year old daughter – soo life is pretty full on, but also incredible!

In my line of work ( teaching gymnastics) I’ve got LOADS of vocab and leaving cues I always need to learn/ memorise. I find that when I start working on memorising coaching cues/ vocab my brain just crashes and I become SUPER sleepy.


Obviously I can imagine this is normal- so not super concerned. I was just wondering if any of the seasoned Japanese students of this Subreddit STILL get this?




  1. Foreign languages use a _lot_ of brainpower. It is tiring.

    Consider this: professional simultaneous interpreters usually work in teams, taking 30-minute shifts. This is exactly because it’s complicated and mentally exhausting.

  2. This is a sign that you aren’t sleeping enough at night. Sorry if I’m telling you something you already know… we’ve all been there. But you are not sleeping enough.

  3. Instead of fighting sleep and feeling guilty. I suggest when you have spare time make sticky notes and put them around your house or desk where you know you will see them. For example on the mirror in the bathroom. So when you brush your teeth the vocab is right there in front of you. It doesn’t take too much energy to write down it Hiragana or Kanji if your feeling like a challenge. Just make sure it’s in Japanese that way it’s easier for your mind to absorb Japanese content passively.

  4. lower aircon cooler to **20C ~ 22C to chill out**. cleans the gray cells. worked for me when studying for MBA and the JLPT N2 and N1.

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