My Number absolutely needed for a job?

Recently started working part-time for a Japanese company and they asked me for my My Number. I understand it’s for tax purposes, but is there any other way around this? I have a driver’s license, PR, zairyu card and a healthcare card under my husband’s company.

I don’t have a My Number as my husband and in-laws didn’t register. We received the official application envelope from the city with a temp. number but haven’t joined. (It’s not cause we are against it but the system is obviously flawed cause one of my husband’s extended family members unfortunately already had their data leaked.)

My husband’s company pays his just fine and has never needed a My Number for anything…so there has to be a way around it…right? Or am I doomed to having to get it?

  1. You only need to provide the number on the slip you received. You shouldn’t need to get a plastic card; you’re already in the system.

  2. As others have said everyone living in Japan has one including you. Application not necessary, you were already assigned one. The easiest way to find it out is to get a juminhyo printed and it’ll list it on there.

  3. You might see it referred to as you 個人番号. Follow the recommendation of the person that said to get a residence certificate with it included. You just need the number, not the My Number card itself.

  4. Yes, your MyNumber is absolutely necessary.

    Mynumber and MyNumber card are two different things. You were already given your number when you first registered your juuminhyo. You can confirm this by getting your juuminyho and opt for the number printed on it.

  5. > I don’t have a My Number

    You have My Nymber. You just don’t know that you have it.

  6. Thanks for all the replies, but I’m still confused or either I didn’t explain it right.

    We never applied for a My Number OR a My Number card.

    I’ve never been asked for either before.

    Now that I’m working, they asked me for either one for taxes.

    We only got the envelope from the city that has a predetermined number on it that is 23 digits.

    So does this mean we already have a My Number?

    AND if not, can I just give my hokensho and bank info in place of the My Number?

    Sorry if my questions are idiotic but I am still kinda confused.

  7. If you are in Japan legally, you already have a MyNumber(個人番号) assigned. The application to apply for the plastic card you received is evidence of that.

    By law, your employer *must* ask for your MyNumber, and you must provide the number to them. You don’t have to show them the paper card or plastic card, though.

    If your husband’s company has never asked for his number, then that is extremely, extremely suspicious.

    The data leaking can potentially happen whether you get the plastic card or not, so i recommend you get the plastic card, as it is convenient to use as ID, and can be used to file taxes and get documents at the combini that you would otherwise have to get at city hall. As time goes on, it will be used for more and more – but again, the actual number is all you need to report to your employer.

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