buying an iphone

my iphone is old, I need a new one. for those who have bought an iphone here, do you pay all upfront? in installments? get a refurbished one? I can’t pay all 150,000 in one go. any advice would be appreciated, thank ya

  1. Try and use paidy, you can split the payment in 3 6 or 12 months without additional fees if you set it to automatic bank transfer. ([](

    Sometimes they screw you over for unknown reasons and not let you use their service as they won’t let you know how to fix it, like I had, in that case expensive credit card installments is your other option.

  2. As long as you have a service contract and have some time on your visa, any major cell phone provider will let you split it up into 12, 24, or even 36 or 48 payments. It’s how lots of people buy their phones.

  3. I’ve been trying the Rakuten iPhone upgrade program. It’s basically a lease where you “pay” for half of the phone’s price for the first two years, then get a brand new iPhone. In effect, you are buying an iPhone in installments, selling it for half price, rinse/repeat. (If you pay all installments and never upgrade, it’s the same as buying outright)

    It makes sense if you’re buying a new iphone every couple of years anyway and don’t feel like bothering with mercari. Though, you can min/max more by buying/selling used or older models.

  4. – Apple’s installment plans

    – Your creditcard’s installment that you can change to after paying full at the store.

    – Paidy (Best option)

  5. Don’t purchase the latest iPhone 14 series, there should be some good deal with the previous 13 series, especially if you are willing to change mobile provider. Just go check some of usual shops around town.

  6. I buy our from the online Apple Store. One payment.

    If you cannot afford the more expensive models, the SE is “only” about 62,800JPY.

  7. I payed mine in installments with my credit card and got a discount of 20,000¥ by returning my old iPhone.
    A nice alternative is ムスビー they sell used phones and I bought one there (and an iPad) in the past and they worked perfectly for years.

  8. My GF bought a refurbished on No issue after 1 year. Cheaper than what I saw at Nakano Broadway

    I check and for 30.000円 and a bit below you can have an iPhone 11 (it’s still update by Apple)

  9. I pay upfront , I buy using the App Store app, delivery at home or story pickup. Bought was iPhone X and iPhone 14 pro.

    Btw the shutter sound become silence when I travel abroad 🙌

  10. Apple has new years sales on the previous model, if you can wait 6 months you can get a good deal on a 14. That’s how I got my last phone.

  11. I’ll never understand people buying things they can’t afford when they have perfectly fine alternatives they can afford available.

  12. mercari – people sell newish older gen iphones all the time, and I usually buy some for fam members before my annual trips home.

    I just got an iPhone 11 pro 256 gb for less than 5man, which is not bad. Just pick what newest features you really need – 5g, hi refresh rate, camera quality – and pick that gen iphone.

  13. In the Apple store my friend got it to be paid for once a month for three years

  14. Try paidy. 0% installment purchase from direct apple store (therefore no contract or sim lock)

  15. I I suggest you buy used. You can an iPhone 12 in a very good condition for around 50 000 yen at iosys.

  16. Go to the likes of Yamada Denki or Yodobashi in the weekends. While most phone deals are leases now, and even those will soon go away due to regulator pressure, you can still get an iPhone SE for 15,000 ish yen without leasing it if you’re switching carriers

    I’m fine with leasing, so I pay 1 yen/month each for my iPhone 13 and Pixel 7a

  17. Hi !

    Since they always announce a new generation around September, perhaps it’d be good to wait for a bit.

    I didn’t because my Android broke, literally the screen shattered and I was in a rush to get a new one. I bought through the website and paid through Paidy, no interest then but I don’t know now. They asked for ~~a copy of my zairyu~~ scan of my zairyu or my number card (can’t remember) plus some face turning camera thingy to make sure it’s me and not someone else buying.

    I was still a student then and received the new phone in about 2 days I believe. If you’re a working adult with stable income it shouldn’t be much of a problem.

  18. Not meaning to be a jerk, but honestly, this gets me. If you can’t afford to buy a new one in cash, at once, you probably shouldn’t be buying it, if we’re being 100% honest.

    These days, smart phones aren’t advancing that quickly anymore, and you can get an iPhone X or whatever for dirt cheap. What is there that you need to do on your phone that an iPhone 14 can handle that an iPhone 10 can’t? I am completely comfortable to buy a new flagship phone in cash, but I am using a 3 year old phone at the moment. (Because long term, it isn’t a good investment financially speaking to plunk down 150000 JPY every 2 years).

    That said, I suppose you want what you want, so if you just need a new phone, buy it directly from Apple, and split your payment up using the interest free option from Orico or JACCS or whoever they use. (This assumes you have good credit).

    You can also pay in installments at places like Docomo, but that will almost always cost you more in the long run than going with a cheaper provider like OCN or Nuro mobile and just buying the phone from Apple.

    If you can scrape together some cash and don’t mind a slightly older model, then places like Sofmap and Janpara are your salvation.

  19. You dont even have 150k to your name buddy. Jesus christ some people are clueless with finances

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