Opinions on Suruga Bank? Other options for foreigners?

Hello! I will be moving to Japan very soon for work and I am looking into options for banks to pay rent, get my salary etc. I know that opening an account is quite a challenge if you have not been in the country for 6 months already. I came across this article praising Suruga Bank ([https://blog.gaijinpot.com/banking-made-easy-why-suruga-bank-is-best-for-foreigners-in-japan](https://blog.gaijinpot.com/banking-made-easy-why-suruga-bank-is-best-for-foreigners-in-japan)) so I got interested. However, when googling them I found quite a few articles about irresponsible behaviour by this bank. I was wondering if anyone had experience with them and whether the money would be safe there? Otherwise, what would be other options for foreigners?

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    **Opinions on Suruga Bank? Other options for foreigners?**

    Hello! I will be moving to Japan very soon for work and I am looking into options for banks to pay rent, get my salary etc. I know that opening an account is quite a challenge if you have not been in the country for 6 months already. I came across this article praising Suruga Bank ([https://blog.gaijinpot.com/banking-made-easy-why-suruga-bank-is-best-for-foreigners-in-japan](https://blog.gaijinpot.com/banking-made-easy-why-suruga-bank-is-best-for-foreigners-in-japan)) so I got interested. However, when googling them I found quite a few articles about irresponsible behaviour by this bank. I was wondering if anyone had experience with them and whether the money would be safe there? Otherwise, what would be other options for foreigners?

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  2. Generally speaking when you’re fresh off the boat your only option is JP bank. They’re pretty bare bones, but they’ll get the job started. https://www.jp-bank.japanpost.jp/en_index.html#accout_en

    Another thing is that some smaller employers will require you to have a bank account at the same bank they use for your salary. So depending on who you’ll be working for this may not even be an issue for you.

  3. Just opened an account in smbc (in Fukuoka). Haven’t been for 6 month yet. And I’m contract, not full time. Had to bring letter with proof of employment with me from my company (it’s simple, just a note that I work there and company’s stamp). It was a copy. Also you will need jyuminhyou (paper from ward office which says where you live). Don’t bother with online registration, go to the bank directly, because you will need to fill the form again. You will need to speak some very basic Japanese at least or use google translate. I asked them to speak in easy Japanese, so everything went pretty smoothly, tho I thought it will be much harder. They will open an account a day later and in a week they will send you a plastic card (smbc gives one card, but it can work as cash, debit and credit card). Also they have “English” iOS and playMarket application, but it barely has any English there, lol. Oh, and you don’t need hanko in smbc, signing will be enough.

    Edit: also I didn’t bother with connecting bills to bank account. It takes a lot of time. Much easier is to take the bill to the closest conbini store and pay there.

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