Nagoya man arrested for killing 13 crows with pesticide claims they were noisy

Nagoya man arrested for killing 13 crows with pesticide claims they were noisy

  1. Crows appear to be a protected species here, so yeah, fuck this guy and hope he does time.

  2. You don’t kill crows! They’ve got good souls. A couple of neighbourhood crows made friends with my dog and used to play fetch with her. This makes me so sad.

    Edit: I think Mr crow killer is in here downvoting all the comments

  3. I’m glad to hear he was arrested. It’s good he was caught before he killed more.

  4. I’m curious how it is illegal, they are essentially pests, and you aren’t allowed to feed them.

    Wildlife and Hunting laws?

  5. Crows are amazing animals, smart, and shy and they are fully aware of who treats them well and bad. Why kill innocent creatures just for being ” noisy”?

  6. OK, so reading through some of the comments I realise now it’s “crows”, not “cows”.

  7. Ironically, one of the things I remember about living in Japan was how noisy the crows were.

  8. Oh no!! We live in Nagoya and we love the crows. 😭 This is so sad. Such smart creatures.

  9. My grandpa way back in the day shot a crow on his farm (don’t remember the reason)… never saw crows for years after that. He felt bad, they were so intelligent they warned the other crows to stay away.

  10. This is awful. I’ve made friends with a pair of crows near my apartment in Japan. They are so smart and adorable how could you kill them?? I don’t mind the noise at all, it reminds me that I’m living with nature. Pigeon noises on the other hand…

  11. I got attacked by a crow in a rural part of Chiba on Saturday. Felt a woosh beside my ear, ducked down then saw an angry pair of crows on the power line above me cawing menacingly. They followed me for a few hundred meters. I am from Australia and I’m used to magpie attacks but never been attacked by Japanese crows before.

    I was not holding any food and I was not in that area before so I have no idea what I did to piss them off. Probably racist crows or maybe they had a nest nearby…

  12. I wonder if they would have arrested him if he had used pesticide on rats instead of crows. Or if he had simply gone fishing for fun. Why is it acceptable to kill some animals but not others? Are the lives of birds more valuable than that of fish or rodents?

  13. Well, he wasn’t wrong. They are noisy AF. Bit of an overreaction to kill them but. Poor crows.

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