Spilt coffee down white wall

You guys know the type of wallpaper. The one that’s in literally every Japanese apartment which comes off easy if you stick something to it.

I spilt my coffee today and it went all over the wall ffs 🙁 anyone know how to get the stain out?

  1. Good luck. I sent butter coffee all over my new kitchen wallpaper at 5AM about 5 years ago, I’ve never got that stain out. Maybe when I remodel someday…..

  2. You can try spritzing with some カビキラー and leaving for a couple of minutes (not too long in case it starts to degrade the paper). The only good news is that because it’s standard wallpaper it’s possible to just cut out the damaged section and replace it when you move.

  3. Try a melamine sponge? That often works pretty well although idk about coffee specifically.

    They’re available at any 100 yen store or hardware store (sometimes called ‘magic eraser’)

  4. Try some “shimitori” used for laundry. It’ll come in a little dropper bottle in the laundry section of your local drug store.

  5. Grab a spray bottle and kitcken bleach from the 100yen store. Put about 10:1 cold water:bleach in there. Shake gently. Apply to wall, wait 20-30min and wipe off with a damp cloth.

    For coffee it’s going to take a few weeks of doing this daily but it will slowly come out.

  6. Just change the wallpaper. Is fairly easy to do an the exact same one is available everywhere. No one will know you changed it.

  7. Japanese wallpaper is pretty sturdy- I might recommend 激落くん if the other options aren’t working. It’s requires a bit more rubbing, so I’d try some other stuff first. But I think the wallpaper should hold up to it.

    If you’re from the US, it’s basically Japan’s version of a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Really fantastic and getting impossible stains out of things.

  8. My toddler son smeared shit all over our white wall paper and bleach spray designed to remove mold in the bathroom took care of it. No more stains and the paper didn’t turn yellow. We had to air the room for a few days though because bleech stench is hard to remove. I would try it on a very small surface first before you do the whole surface. And wear gloves, be careful of your eyes, and remove any curtains before you start and also preferably be naked because it will splash and ruin any cloth surface it comes in contact with.

  9. I had stains all over the walls of one of my previous apartments. Luckily my ex gf was an artist, so she camouflaged all of them into the walls.

  10. Bleach diluted in water. Source: Once I had a squeezable boob bought in Akihabara. Not sure if it was a sex toy or a stress ball but I had it on my desk and kept on squeezing it for at least 2 years mostly on safe for work occasions. Until one day it exploded and splashed this orange like goo substance all over my self and my room. Although I immediately cleaned most of it I didn’t notice that it fucked up the wallpaper on the ceiling. When I noticed it was too late. I finally cleaned that shit before I moved out, using bleach and worked like a charm. Good luck!

  11. Can I piggy back off this? How do you remove rust or stains off stainless steel kitchen counters?

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