Need advice Im a Filipino Doctor staying for a year in Japan for 1 year(2nd month here). Im currently not being paid by the hospital Im studying in Tokyo (but i got a funding from a 3rd party society in the US that provides grant for training (minimally amount)which I recently received in Lump Sum). I got a mail from the Municipal Hall regarding payment of either Monthly 16,520 yen for National Pension or 162,520 yen one time payment for the whole year) around a month ago and the deadline of the payment for the monthly or lump sum is tomorrow. Is this payment required of me even though I have indicated that Im only staying for 1 year in Japan? I sent an application for exemption explaining my situation 4 weeks ago but still no reply. Thank you in advance.
Ps I first assumed that the payment for the national pension is the same as payment for healthcare insurance
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Yes, it is required unless you receive an exemption.
Health insurance and pension are separate. If you’re making no income you can apply for an exemption.