Worried one of my classes is lagging behind

Elementary school ALT, first year. Love it, connect well with students and teachers.

One of my 6th year classes… always seems to be struggling a bit. I have the same lesson plans for each class in the grade, teach them all on the same day. While the other classes get it, and participate actively, this one class seems to always be a bit more confused, to be a bit more reticent in answering or even paying attention.

I really don’t think it’s the teacher; she’s a very kind and caring teacher (as are the others), but for some reason, I never get quite as far per lesson with them as the others.

Not sure what I should do… if I adjust the lesson plan for this one class, they’ll fall behind, or else the other classes will get done too quickly and we’ll have to waste time playing games for the duration.

Is this situation common? What’s the solution?

  1. Many of the classes/gumi in Japanese ES’s stay together for all 6 years. It’s startling how important strong teachers are in 1~3, if a class gets a weak teacher (that lets the students get out of control, has poor classroom, desk management skills) it can put that class months behind the others. The next teacher has to spend a disproportionate amount of time (trying) gaining control and authority, if they even can. You definitely have the right instincts, you need to slow up just a bit so that they can understand and build upon that. Your “A” grade students will of course finish early, it’s relatively easy to get a copy of a first year JHS textbook/s and start covering the first couple of units. Win win.
    Best of luck.

  2. This might come off as rude. It’s not. I promise.

    There is no solution for you to find. We’re assistants. As long as their test scores are good. The main couldn’t care less.

    Go in, be a positive force in the classroom, make the kids have fun, then smile and bow out.

  3. Think of it as a special education class and what I mean is by providing accommodation. It doesn’t mean to make that class fall more behind, but about whether they can understand and enjoy your lessons. Simplify your lessons and give them extra time to practice the target points. Get help from your HRT too.

    Anyway, it could be that class have some students that aren’t as bright as other students in the other classes.

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