Looking for solutions for easy DVR to set up when I’m in Japan. (Fire recast)?

I wanted to try and record Japanese television and I was curious if the fire recast was a good option. It looks like I just plug in the antenna and then I can stream it.

Does anyone have any experience using it in Japan ?

  1. There are options you can buy while in Japan that are not super expensive.

    I’d feel better about one of those than using a device that isn’t even sold in Japan to try and record Japanese TV.

  2. I had a quick look on the Amazon Japan store and I don’t see that product available. That probably tells you all you need to know about whether or not that particular product will work here.

    I was recently looking into something for myself and stumbled across the Pixela XIT lineup. It looks pretty swish [http://www.pixela.co.jp/products/xit/](http://www.pixela.co.jp/products/xit/). It didn’t have the one feature I was looking for, which was the ability to record to my own NAS (it will allow you to record to an external USB drive though… just not a NAS). The IO Data Teleking will allow you to record to a NAS, although the reviews make it seem more fiddly. [https://www.iodata.jp/ssp/recon-teleking/](https://www.iodata.jp/ssp/recon-teleking/)

    I didn’t end up buying anything though since I want to stream into kodi and I couldn’t find anything out of the box that will support that. So I’ll probably pick up a Pi kit and build one myself.

  3. Here’s a device made and sold to Japan that acts as a receiver (plug cable from wall to device, and you’re then able to watch the TV stream from an app on your phone or PC browser. If you plug in a HDD, you can also record shows locally to it, which I believe you can access from your smartphone. Kind of acts as your own streaming service from shows you set up to record. This does heavily rely on your home internet being good enough.

    [Link to XiT Airbox](https://shop.pixela.jp/smartphone/detail.html?id=000000000262)

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