Repairing/replacing a Hitachi combo oven/microwave

In the last few days, my Hitachi combo oven/microwave (MRO-VS8) has stopped making the chime when you press the buttons or when it’s finished microwaving/baking something. Today, it’s stopped actually heating anything and now there’s an error message reading “H-54,” which according to Hitachi’s [site]( means the inverter needs to be replaced to the tune of ¥28,000–46,000. Got it as a floor model at Donki about three years ago, when I was still living in Tokyo, so the warranty has long since expired. Obviously, it would be better to just buy a new one but it seems mottainai to ditch it after such a short time.

I’m curious if anyone else has had similar problems with their Hitachi oven, or if there are options I might have overlooked. Does anyone has recommendations for a particular brand to go with, or to avoid?

  1. Unfortunately it’s better to replace. I did the same thing with the same error actually. Repairs would have been more than a new one. I got a sharp one off Amazon with a kuroneko warranty and I actually like it better.

    I sold my broken one on Mercari as junk and 着払い. I got like ¥8000 for it after Mercari fees

  2. Mine occasionally does the H-54 error a good squeeze after shutting it normally fixes it.

  3. If you bake bread, the Ishigami Dome from Toshiba is hard to beat. It has a stone kiln-like lining for heat retention, which is great for baking.

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