Anthony Hopkins on Japanese TV

I’ve just heard a story about how Anthony Hopkins got miffed and walked off a Japanese TV show sometime in the 90’s. I was wondering if anyone had heard the story, or had in fact watched the incident. I’ve looked on YouTube without success.

  1. I know this is a bit off topic, but there’s a great video out there of Weird Al on Japanese tv in the early 80s right at the start of his fame where he is just completely in awe of how *weird* everything else on the show is. He kind of breaks character for a sec and just stands there with an exasperated look on his face, unsure of what to do. He doesn’t walk off like Anthony Hopkins (allegedly), but is at a total loss of how to proceed. Anyway, great clip.

    There’s a story about Anthony Hopkins breaking down offstage over a silent Japanese audience at a stage play once. Maybe that morphed into the urban legend you shared.

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