EPOS Card Points

This might be rather niche, but does anyone have an EPOS card and know of the best way to use the points. I have over 20,000 points and am a bit confused about what is best. They have some sort of investment program which I feel might be the best option but i have zero experience in this kinda thing. If anyone wise in the EPOS point ways could give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated!

  1. Can you still convert them to Amazon points?

    That was always the best option when I had EPOS a few years back.

  2. You can use it to pay for things you bought online with the card. After the payment amount for the next month is calculated, you can allocate points for the payment.

    It’s convenient for me because the system considers mobile suica charges as online shopping.

  3. I usually convert mine to Amazon points. No idea if that’s the most efficient use of points for that particular card, but it’s what I’ve always done.

  4. you can make an epos prepaid visa card (its free) and transfer the points there. From that point you can use it as any other card in any store.

  5. Amazon, Starbucks, EPOS prepaid card, etc. Anything that gives 1:1 points.

  6. Easiest way is to go to one of their malls! You just have to pay by card and ask to use your points at checkout. Can’t use it at restaurants/cafes in their malls though, but everything else should be possible.

  7. convert them to ponta points, open au kabucom security account and buy etf there.

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