Wrestling Facebook is something else LOL

This is completely serious btw.

  1. I can’t believe someone like this is serious. I’d have nothing against someone who prefers Corbin to Okada. I’d think they’re insane but if that’s what’s in their heart, who am I to tell them otherwise, but this is sycophantic. It reeks of “my dad could beat up your dad” energy.

  2. If they are using cage match as their logic let’s look at a sample size of more than 2 matches.

    EDIT: BD and Okada both have 40 matches respectively over 9.00 on cage match. Corbin has only 15 above 7.5 2 of which are rumbles

  3. I can understand brand loyalty but to be loyal to WWE is crazy to me as a lifelong wrestling fan WWE puts out 95% garbage.

  4. Noticed though 561 people voted on the Okada vs Danielson match and 22 people voted on the Corbin vs Hayes match.

  5. This post is why I generally avoid the IWC like the fucking plague.

    The one thing it HAS taught me is there is no one who hates wrestling more than wrestling fans.

    No one.

  6. Why not call themselves WWE World?

    If Okada or Bryan goes back to WWE, all of a sudden they’re good. It’s stupid.

  7. …real talk though, a weird part of me always wants to see how the “wwe lifer” superstars like Corbin/Miz would do in a g1 because of how radically different that environment is.

  8. Okay as some one who knows this Facebook group the person who posted this “plays” the role of heel in the group. The person always complains about anything that isn’t WWE and how bad it is.

    The comments on that post are very much in disagreement with what was said

  9. The vote count on the corbin match is too low to be used as reliable data point. I thought data reliability was something taught at high school maths. We would have to wait longer. You would expect this result for any kind of match the people who like it r.g. him are more likely to vote, even if people thought it was meh or slightly good they aren’t going to vote so the matches usually get higher ratings near the start. It’s also highly likely he influenced both votes with bots.

  10. Didn’t take long for the NXT title match rating to drop below Okada vs Danielson, though.

  11. This is troll bait but some people genuinely believe this

    Cornette shat on the rainmaker and the comment section of that video was a fucking treat. You’d assume Okada is some sort of jobber to these people

  12. Wwe fanboys are the weirdest people on the entire planet. There’s a whole world of better stuff but they want to watch the most basic shit because it’s on a popular tv time slot and then they’ll straight up believe some of the dumbest shit ever like this right here.

  13. Wrestling Facebook is so horrible cause everyone wanna be a super fanboy/troll/child of Cornette.

  14. Bet this guy was falling all over himself to praise Danielson when he was in the Fed

  15. What’s worse a diehard Snyderverse fan or a IWC fan that’s chronically always online?

  16. He probably tries to cram as many opinions into a post like this as he can, because his mom doesn’t let him use the 2007 Dell Inspiron but once a week. But seriously, people like this are the worst kind of “fan” thinking that in order to make a point they have to tear people down.

  17. I seriously think all those type of “fans” on fb and twitter and SQ are mentally ill. Imagine acting like they do about any other sport or tv show..

    Just watch and enjoy the stories and grapples !

  18. Look at the insane amount of votes for Okada/Danielson compared to Corbin/Hayes. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say “people” are going out of their way to downvote anything non-WWE/anything AEW-related.

  19. This can’t be serious. Do they really think Okada wrestles for a hot dog and handshake.

  20. Try reading comments on InstaGram posts from wrestling promotions some day. You want to know how the world – particularly here in the States – has become so bad? It’s because apparently a quarter of the populace has an IQ of 12 and the maturity to match.

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