I had a Interview for Nova yesterday.

Not feeling very confident he said I had a typo in my CV. Just a simple mistake but he did say I’d hear from him in a week. And kept asking me when could I start. Do you guys think one simple typo could determine me getting the job?

  1. That won’t be an issue.
    Honestly, your looks matter more than your literacy in their eyes.

  2. You’ll probably get it. I currently work for them and going by some of the teachers here, their only requirement is being a native speaker, interpersonal skills? The bottom of their list it seems.

    If you do get an offer though, be prepared to wait at least 6 months before you’re in Japan. Also everyone that started at the same time as me said they were essentially ghosted after receiving the offer until they were required, myself included.

    And for the love of God, do NOT take their accommodation. It’s convenient on paper but everyone I know who has used it, regrets doing it.

  3. They are mostly looking for someone who will not break their contracts and leave in 3 months because they are a flake, who is professional enough to sell and isn’t afraid to speak to other human beings.

    Everything else is secondary.

  4. I got rejected by Nova once. Just before they crashed. Eventually got here with AEON 15 years ago. You will be fine.

  5. It’s a ruse to keep you on the back foot. They’ll take you. Japanese corporations are experts in pressing down on people to keep them from having any expectations.

  6. You will get it. Don’t worry about it. Typos happen and if you are new to teaching I recommend doing an ESL teaching course to help you improve your teaching. As a teacher (a legit one with a credential from the states and in Japan) I will tell you that you need to work on being nervous. Being a teacher comes with a lot of awkward situations and nervousness about if your lesson will work or not or if a student is rude etc you need to be able to handle yourself with composure.

  7. If you’re already in japan: 100% getting hired

    Overseas: probably not. But you can reapply like 3 days later since they have super high turnover and it’ll a new manager doing the interview

  8. Management had a typo in almost every email they sent when i worked there. Not to mention there have been plenty of elementary school skill level English speakers who’ve worked there over the years.

    If you can be friendly and professional and promise not to leave midcontract, you’re more than qualified.

  9. I think it’d be pretty difficult to fail an interview at nova (provided you’re a native speaker and have a degree)

  10. At Nova? Fuck no, a typo isn’t a problem, nor is showing up drunk to work from what I hear. I think he’s gaslighting you or something. Must be new company policy. You will indeed be hearing from him.

  11. I saw a lot of people who definitely weren’t capable of speaking English at Nova before. It’s shit pay and conditions, which is why a lot of people don’t last a year. I’m sure you’ll get it.

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