Chef with knives causes a commotion on the Yamanote Line

Just before 4 PM yesterday – the 25th, a man of foreign nationality in his 50s had placed two kitchen knives wrapped in cloth on the seat in a train outbound from the JR Shinjuku Station on the Yamanote Line. Part of the knives were visible, causing some of the other passengers to run away.


  1. Chef taking his wrapped up knives home falls asleep on the train. Okay, not very weird, folks gotta get home somehow with their stuff.

    Three people injured themselves from freaking out and running away from an apparently sleeping chef with wrapped cooking implements.. now that’s just silly

    Also: The police are “investigating” how a chef came into possession of cooking knives? Like what even is this?

  2. I once got on a bus in a black leather blazer in the middle of the day and people started getting up and moving to the back. I completely believe this news.

  3. I guess we should all start carrying around a sign that says ‘Not a Threat, Just a Chef’.

  4. I cook and once went to Asakusa to buy knives to bring back home for my family when visiting them. It was not so long after the Joker incident in the trains, so the whole time I was scared the police would stop me and I’d be permanently fucked for carrying several knives in my backpack.

  5. I saw this on the news too, but I don’t think the reaction is Japan specific in any way, shape, or form.

    I can imagine the reaction would have been more severe if this was on the NYC subway or the metro in London. Obviously purchasing and carrying kitchen knives is legal, but having them out while riding the train, bus, or even walking down the street is going to understandably freak people out.

    It’s not that hard to hide them in your backpack.

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