For those that played Fire Pro Wrestling World, how was the game?

For those that played Fire Pro Wrestling World, how was the game?

  1. Decent-top in all puro games, plus in fpw world there’s no other promotion’s wrestlers, if you have the patience to download them from workshop it’s not bad, on ps2 there’s a fpw type system game and it includes nearly all japanese promotions, I forgot the name of it but as I remember it’s something like coliseum or what

  2. I have it on both PC and PS4 and it’s excellent, especially on PC. On PC there’s a massive selection of custom stuff through the official Steam Workshop support. One user, TheAvenger3, has done an insane amount of wrestlers (and their moves and so on).

  3. I’ve still yet to cap out in custom wrestlers

    The graphics aren’t great but I enjoy the GM mode for what it is

  4. Excellent – best wrestling game for me. Matches actually feel like wrestling matches rather than beating your opponent mercilessly for 15 minutes.

    Spam finishers and power moves while toying with your opponent you will get slapped in a figure 4 and tap out when they make their comeback

  5. I liked it for what it was, although I wish there were more harder difficulty options. The campaign mode where you start as a young lion, go on excursion, and join a faction upon return was really cool. It’s probably worth buying just for that mode alone.

    I wish there was a non-kayfabe wrestling game where you worked with your opponent to put on the best match.

  6. One of the best wrestling games available now. THAT SAID, there is a learning curve I can see turning off some. Still overall, very fun game

  7. Easy to learn but hard to master. But becomes too easy after you have mastered the timing. Also I never figured out how to get a IWGP Heavyweight title match at WK even after winning the G1.

  8. Didn’t like it at first, but it was really good after actually learning the combos and how to play, I can see the appeal now.

  9. It’s great but the menus etc are hard to navigate and you have to have a bunch of extra move sets etc, that you need to pay for, to really enjoy the community creations. That was a real bummer because people are making amazing stuff

  10. Didn’t really like it but don’t fault those who do like it. As much complaining as I’ve been seeing for the graphics for Fight Forever, I really wanna show some people this and tell them what year it came out.

  11. Honestly it’s just like fire pro wrestling on the PS2 it’s fast paced and a solid game

  12. Loved the base game. But the dlc really makes it shine. Fire promoter is so much fun!

  13. Personally I couldn’t get into it. Might try again in the near future though.

  14. I love the fire promoter mode. Way better then gm mode from another games

  15. Once you learn the timing of grappling moves and the range of each strike, it gets really fun. I still play it to this day every once in a while. Definitely need to download other wrestlers from the community for AEW, RoH, WWE, WCW, Impact, etc. so you can have your own dream matches.

  16. Kicked ass but I got bored after like 15 hours cuz I didn’t have any friends to play with

  17. I grinded out most of the trophies to try get the platinum I gave up because I was using my love of new Japan to justify playing but it’s just not very fun imo most people seem to play it for the customisation which is alright

  18. I like it. I became rather decent at it after an hour because it’s not that complicated. I recommend it.

  19. The core game is good, but the community elevates it exponentially. If you search long enough, you’ll find any wrestler you want. Especially for puro, guys like dnmt are insanely dedicated to up-to-date, accurate versions of NJPW, AJPW, NOAh wrestlers, etc.

  20. Love it, Still my favourite wrestling game of all time, Customisation is basically unlimited in what you can do, The promoter mode is fantastic the AI vs AI matches are great my only issues are: Load times and downloading caws, moves etc.. is very convoluted

  21. It’s a great game, but it isn’t for me. The game, for me, is more about watching the AI put on the matches because it’s such a good AI system. But I don’t have the attention span to sit there and watch it happen. There are a lot of people that do, and I wish I was one of them.

    The game play is fun as well, and it fits the mold of a real pro wrestling match. Setting up with strikes, basic grapples, if they’re into submissions they’re do things that those workers would do in real life, ect. Then it builds and builds with bigger strikes, bigger moves, the crowd gets more into it, you’ll see the correct come backs, ect.

    The thing that really puts it above the rest of pro wrestling games is the Match Rating system. You, as a player, want to take bumps from your opponent, stay down for 2 counts and not kick out at 1, unless it’s a big spot. Treat it like a real pro wrestling match and sell as well as attack

    If you have a PC, I’m sure the Steam sale will be right around the corner

  22. still play this game to this game and will never get tired of it!! can’t count how many hrs i’ve put into this game and not to mention the amount of different wrestlers and moves i’ve downloaded. hope to get into the wrestle kingdoms and king of coliseum series

  23. I played on easy difficulty and tried to make my matches back and forth and good. It’s a ton of fun.

    Also, watching the AI battle each other is fun.

  24. It’s good just takes a while to master. Feels like you’re actually wrestling.

  25. I like it but after a while I got kinda tired of it. I prefer my wrestling games to have more realism I guess. My dream game would be something like 2k but New Japan based instead. I still play FPW time from time but overall I’m just hoping I have more fun with Fight Forever.

  26. The real game is simming CPU vs CPU matches using custom ai logic and marking out as you watch sprites put on a match that is legitimately exciting to watch.

  27. I’ve loved fire pro since I randomly picked one up for game boy advance in the early 00s

    It’s really the only game that I enjoy watching a.i go at it as much as I enjoy playing it.

    A.i really is something else on this game. Set up a tournament. Smoke a bowl. And watch kenny omega vs okada go at it and you’ll have a fucking blast

  28. Probably my favorite wrestling game, maybe? I find it a very fun play, if not the most accessible to a newcomer tbh, it can take a bit to get used to, but its the customisation aspect that really makes it, making all your edits with your own custom moves on your own custom arena’s with their own AI behaviours and letting them loose on each other. Probably a better game to watch, really lol

  29. For me, its a mixed bag.

    The creation suite is the greatest from any wrestling game. Its just insane. They basically gave modders access to their game development tools for both moves and appearance as DLC. Their creations are second to none. Modders can do anything—for example, they can make custom moves for Orange Cassidy where he keeps his hands in his pockets. Also on PC they support custom mp3s for theme songs.

    On the downside, I dont find the gameplay that fun or engaging, but thats a personal preference.

  30. The package itself is sort of minimal, but playing the PC version gave you access to an insane amount of fan created content through Steam Workshop.

  31. As someone who mainly play WWE games for a majority of their life, it was a pretty big culture shock. That being said, it can be a really fun, enjoyable experience. The only qualm I have is that story mode could’ve been more enjoyable. But for what it’s worth, that’s not even too bad.

  32. With all the DLC, it’s the best Fire Pro game, but Fire Pro games are not everyone’s cup of tea.

  33. To me, the worst part is the cash grab. Look at the add ons and its everything that should have came with the game but is sold seperate. So instead of paying $60-$70, youre paying like $118 or more for a game to include entrances, a season mode, etc.

    Also the CAW suite is a little too confusing, and I am not a fan of the timed move mechanic. I know it sets everyone else apart, but it just doesnt work for me. Especially if youre playing controller.

    Other than that, I think its a good concept. I just hope the next Fire Pro game is better and learns from their mistakes.

  34. I know it’s a good game, with a lot of features & depth. But I found the barrier to entry too strong – I found it a bit clunky to control, and just performing basic moves seemed overly complicated.

    Only game where I can officially play as Stardom women, though, so it’ll always be installed on my PS4.

  35. Well first off, on ps4/5 its already one of the greatest wrestling games of all time. User created moves & textures plus the vanilla AI editing puts the game in a class by itself.

    But when you get into Carlzilla’s mods on PC you are playing a completely different game. It has no equal. A wrestling sandbox that no No Mercy mod can come close to.

    The con is that the Fire Pro series is so unlike anyother wrestling game that all newcomers face a steep learning curve.

    Ive been playing since the Saturn 6Men Scramble and it took me until the Dreamcast’s D to feel like I mastered the controls.

    I was too intimidated to even fuck with the Logic settings until R got a domestic release and everything was in English, and even then they fucked up a crucial element in translation.

    But once I figured logic out the game literally changed on me.

    Most Fire Pro players don’t “play” the game. We spend countless hours fine tuning the logic of our edits and test them in simmed matches, retune, retest and tweak again ad infinitum. Like an artist is truly never done on their masterpiece, our edits are a constant evolution of our changing wants and desires of our matches.

    Creating your own edits, whether real life but especially moreso your own original creations, is the biggest rabbit hole in all of any gaming I have ever done.

    And watching my edits “behave” like I programmed them for is the greatest fun I have had in all my gaming.

    Tl:dr the controls are off putting for any beginner, but the tradeoff is it is the deepest wrestling sim ever made, where even 20+ year players are still learning nuances

    I didn’t talk about the $$$ to get the full experience, Ill save that for another time. But if you are on the fence about checking it out hit me in the DMs or join us on r/firepro

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