Does anyone want to exchange SoPs?

I’m really struggling to write mine. I’ve seen some who say to write it like a story and others to write it like an essay. I’m a decent writer but everything I write sounds so… fake? I had my partner read over it but didn’t like the changes he made either 😅 Is anybody willing to exchange or go over mine in hopes of getting a fresh pair of eyes?

  1. Wanna exchange it with me? My friends read it and gave me some feedback but they dont really know what the jet program is so i would love someone well acquainted with the program to read it over. This is my first attempt at jet though! Dm me!

  2. Just some general tips and how I structured my own.
    Mine was 5 paragraphs in total. The first included an opening to make me stand out and hook my audience in, as well as pitch myself. My 2nd paragraph went into what I plan to do as a member of the JET program and bring to those that I teach in terms of experience and cultural exchange they won’t be able to experience elsewhere. My third paragraph went into how I will become a part of the community I am placed in. How I plan to integrate myself into Japan (Throw in any cultural experiences you might have). My 4th paragraph went over my volunteer work in the classroom. The type of children I’ve had experience working with and how I made a positive impact on them. This is the type of impact I look to bring to the JET program. 5th paragraph was my plans after JET and a quick wrap-up.
    When editing my SoP I went through and deleted any weak verbs (such as: “want” and “hope”). I changed these verbs to more powerful ones such as “plan to” “will” and “my goal is to”. That way it sounded more direct in what I intend to do. I also aimed to make myself sound as positive and excited about the opportunity as I could.
    While I’m not open to exchanging SoP if you need another person to proofread or provide suggestions. Feel free to message me. I hope I was help and good luck as we approach the turn-in date (I’m still pestering for my LoR) 😁

  3. If you wanna let someone who has already been accepted, I’ll be more than happy to look over your SoP and give feedback! just shoot me a message.

  4. I can give it a look. Remember the SOP is a glorified coverletter. It’s a persuasive essay. You are trying to convince them to give you a position. So be catious if you want to write it as a story because with this you can easily get caught up in jam packing it with fluff and a bunch of unnecessary information. The last thing you want to do in persuasive writing is waste your readers time by making them read a bunch of unnecessary stuff. I’ve been giving feedback on SOPs for applicants on this reddit and far too many ppl are making this same mistake. These ppl have thousands of these to read. Think of it from the recruiters perspective.

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