Damn, Japanese media are ruthless

Damn, Japanese media are ruthless

  1. That’s fair. It’s only at events like this and that one time people were super cold on Stardust Naito that the main IWGP title didn’t go last, right? Might be a key requirement for next year: if the IWGP title is defended, make sure it’s in the main event and against someone with more star power.

    Dunno why so sour on SANADA not being the focus after he’s off-stage, though. I get as the champ he’s a big deal but clearly his part is done. You could maybe argue they should have waited until Wednesday to do the turn but you get a bigger reaction with a larger crowd.

    Not using his ring name is just needlessly disrespectful.

  2. That’s like only saying ” the member of okadas faction” when talking about ishii

  3. Quick…..what was the American reaction knowing that the AEW World title was the first match??


  4. I have never heard of this account before so I looked them up. I assumed the gimmick is that they’re fluent in Japanese so are giving summaries of Japanese fans’ social media comments, which is already a bit sketchy as you don’t know whether they’re inflating one or two people’s comments into sounding like a bigger deal than they really are.

    But then I saw that they are [using AI](https://twitter.com/thepuropower/status/1672926859259179008) to create content, so I’m a bit more skeptical that this could be bullshit. The post in OP absolutely reads to me like something an AI would spit out of you asked it “how Japanese fans reacted to SANADA vs “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry.” Not saying they *definitely* are just pumping out AI garbage, but I’m not quite convinced otherwise.

    As far as the actual “Luke Perry’s son” bit, I will say that Tokyo Sports was mentioning Snoop Dogg in the articles when Mercedes debuted, IIRC there was even a headline that mentioned him but not that Mercedes was a decorated superstar in WWE. It’s less “lmao who the fuck is Jack Perry?“ and more “yay, we can make a connection to Western media and Hollywood!”

  5. I mean is this true? If so it is actually wild for once to see the Japanese fans critiques. Seems to be a lot of the critiques that the average person here kinda has, which I’m not sure if I were to expect or not.

  6. I completely agree. AEW and NJPW certainly could have used a bigger star to elevate the profile of SANADA. “Hangman” Adam Page, Chris Jericho, Jon Moxley, Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, or Claudio Castagnoli all could have challenged SANADA and built as much anticipation as Danielson v. Okada or Omega v. Ospreay.

    Jack Perry might be a talented worker, but he’s not ready for a World Championship, nor did he deserve to answer that open challenge.

  7. Don’t care if it’s real or fake. The idea that japanese smarks are just as critical as we are is hilarious. I’d love to see what the reaction was to Okada winning over Naito.

  8. Maybe in Japan they forgot about sanada. But I haven’t he’s been my favorite for years

  9. I like Jack Perry. But what has he done outside AEW to gain attention in Japan? This is just about the same thing as when Ultimo Dragon showed up in WWE. The WWE fans had no idea who they were looking at. And while some folks (me) absolutely knew his influence and style, it was lost on a lot of casual fans. Might be the same thing with Jack Perry. Japanese fans/media just might not know him.

  10. Doubt it. They are both very large companies with a lot of Corporate staff, including PR and HR, so this seems like BS.

  11. i mean after jack perry left the screen i completely forgot about his heel turn

  12. I’m okay with it. Jungle Boy will probably be great someday, but it’s kinda laughable that he gets a NJPW title shot already.

  13. Something that has made wrestling more enjoyable for me is completely and totally avoiding all pro wrestling “journalists.”

  14. I do kind of agree with the statement about SANADA’s presence. He seemed to just show up, do his thing, then leave so JB could do his heel thing, which is fine for this kind of show, but I did expect a little more from our top champion. Not his fault, obviously.

  15. “Hollywood” or “Beverly Hills” Jack Perry!!
    I’m ready for it😍

  16. IWGP World match should have been higher up.
    Sanada is not going to be that over with an AEW crowd, they don’t get him. Some folks are easier to latch on to for an American audience than others, and most of AEW’s fanbase stopped watching NJPW regularly when Omega left or never watched.

    I still think Brody King would have been a better choice for a title defense.

  17. Japanese media was right on everything that they complain about. Aew pretty much embarrassed the Sanada his match was fourth against a loser who has only wrestled for 4 years. They had every right to make a mockery of that boring ass Jack Perry

  18. Well Tony and NJPW could have picked someone much more thrilling than Jungle Boy. It’s hard to have faith in someone who has always lost big moments has never held a decent single title and feels soft when he’s supposed to be hard. Claudio would have been eons better or Brian Cage. Even Matt Taven.

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