Opinions on Nuro?

I’m moving into a new apartment and am looking into gas, electricity, and internet services.

I see a ton of people recommending Nuro for internet (Fingers crossed the building can) but it looks like they provide gas and electric too. Does anyone use it? Any opinions on it?

Im in tokyo by myself and in a small, brand new apartment complex if it helps.

  1. Everyone I’ve talked to who has it really likes it, but it can take months to get installed. They quoted me a month but I’ve heard from multiple people it can take up to 6, so I got AU Hikari for now until they get the installation all sorted out.

  2. Would not get anything but Nuro. Best service and speeds I have ever had. Other poster is accurate with regards to installation delay.

  3. I’ve been using for almost 2 years. Great service. Takes a few months to get installed. If you go for nuro, when they install it, ask for extra fiber cable so you can reposition it later if necessary. The guy who did mine gave an extra 6 feet.

    Consistent 7ms ping Nagoya to tokyo(Valorant) is awesome. Large updates to games or video files are done faster than you can make a coffee. When I downloaded my steam library, the speed throttled because my ssd cache and CPU couldn’t keep up. 10/10.

    No idea about their other services, but I’m considering switching to their mobile service.

  4. It seems like NURO is the most praised internet provider in Japan, and demand is high enough it takes months for them to install it for you. The bad part is that it seems like they can just come over your place after months of wait just to say “Oops, sorry, we can’t do it on your building”
    Bear in mind that you also need the approval of the owner of your apartment to do installation
    I’ve never heard about anyone who used their gas, but electricity seems to have very similar prices compared to other companies like TEPCO

  5. YMMV, in my case though, it was pretty smooth. I did apply for it a month before I settled in my new apartment. In terms of actual service it’s pretty good. Never had any ping spikes whenever I play games online. Take note though, MAKE SURE YOU GET THE MODEM/ROUTER THAT THEY OFFER THAT SUPPORTS THE 2GB DOWNLOAD. If you don’t, you won’t be able to changes it afterwards without canceling your contract.

  6. My building was Nuro compatible or whatever and I got it right from day one.

    Great service.

  7. I’m on NURO now but have mixed feelings, i am getting around 60ms in the evening and generally feels quite slow, it’s not just my PC but my phone also.

    My package came with some Q-lock which i was paying monthly but they said i could get 60,000yen cashback a year later during the month of May. Honestly i completely forgot about the cashback and i called them up on June 2nd which was 2 days after the deadline and they said nope. Wish they sent out a notification or something… that pissed me off.


    Sorry about not answering your question, i have no idea about the gas or electrics haha.

  8. Nuro was great the first 4 years.

    This year during peak time my 2Gbps fiber, gets down to less than 10Mbps at least once a week. I checked all my peripherals etc, and it’s on them since after peak time it starts to rise back again to 600Mbps+

    I’m currently checking if I can get NTT Flets within a year and change since anyway it’s too expensive after the campaign money ends.

  9. Looks like everyone offers these bundles in Tokyo. I guess it’s good if you want consolidated billing and many times there are initial discount campaigns. I’m not sure, over the long run if it makes a difference cost-wise. I do have NURO (the best internet service I’ve ever had, both in Tokyo and NYC) but electric and gas are through Tokyo Gas and water is separate.

    Good luck with NURO if you can get it!

  10. Gas and electricity works the same for any company. Just look the rates and contract the one works better for you. If its nuro I don’t see a reason to not contract it. Another good point is having it easier the day you move out as you can do it in one phone call.

    Nuro can take time to get your line ready. I’ve done it twice and both took 3-4 weeks, but it can take up to 6 month. Most likely you should expect one to two months. I believe they offer free wimax until you get Internet connection.

    About quality its pretty cool. No cuts in 2+ years and never had the connection congested. But that’s probably most Hikari.

  11. I use it for electricity too, the electricity cost the same price per kw as other providers but they have a 500 yens per month discount making it slightly cheaper.

    Other than that, what can i say? It’s the same electricity, it will power your fridge and aircon and kill you if you stick your fingers in the plug.

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