South Korean shoppers buy up salt before Japan’s Fukushima water dump

South Korean shoppers buy up salt before Japan’s Fukushima water dump’s-fukushima-water-dump

  1. Seems a little extreme. From what I’ve read, the release plan has been very well monitored by external parties. Sure. No ideal but the shit sitting on land is absolutely worse.

  2. More people who weren’t paying attention in their high school physics classes…

  3. Essentially making more work for the mentally disabled slaves in the salt farms of Sinan County. 😫

  4. Remember, [South Koreans protested like crazy when their government resumed imports of U.S. beef more than a decade ago]( They banned them at first due to fears of mad cow disease

    The protests solved nothing. The president finished his term and Koreans today eat US beef without blinking an eye

    This Fukushima thing in Korea is just a distraction from the opposition (liberals) trying to find a way to bash Japan

    If you don’t know Korean politics, liberals in Korea want closer ties with North Korea and want a tough policy on Japan because of their actions in the past.

    Korean liberalism places emphasis on ethnic nationalism, which is why they want close relations with North Korea, despite the fact that their government is committing atrocious human rights abuses towards Koreans today, that’s arguably worse than the Japanese colonial government

  5. Liberals wanting to cost up to Totalitarian Communism?

    Say it ain’t so… 🤣

  6. Serious fact: south korea dump radioactive water in their shore much more than japan.

  7. Salt sales by liberals in Korea 📈📈📈📈📈

  8. Idk why they’re buying up salt rn when it’s gonna take 5 years for that water to reach South Korean waters because of the ocean current. The Korean lefts bro, they just suck up the media without actual fact checking. They get swayed too easily.

  9. Wait till they hear about the crap China has been dumping into the ocean for years now.

  10. What until they find out about all the raw nuclear waste that there and Russian government dumped into the sea of Japan

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