Hair Removal ads

One thing that’s been fascinating me recently and can’t wrap my head around is the hair removal ads on Instagram. Their basically ads of cute girls saying please do hair removal for essentially free and we will even give you free stuff. What is up with these businesses? Obviously shady stuff but what is their business model? Do they get enough dumb boys to remove their pubes for free to support the business? Whats the end goal for them?

  1. It’s just bait ads where at the end you’re probably coerced into some kind of course that makes you pay

  2. Hair removal takes multiple sessions unless you go full Darkman and blast your skin into beef jerky.

    The first session can be free, but it does very little on its own, so customers are incentivized to sign up for a paid plan to receive the remainder of the treatment.

    It’s the same business practice as anywhere else that has free trial periods.

  3. It’s just a common bait scheme to get people into the door. Once you’re inside, it’s pretty much a done deal if you’re not good at rejecting people.
    I went in to a free trial to get electrolysis done (permanent hair removal) on my face. I had to fill in a ton of paperwork (used fake phone number and email of course) and then we got started. They removed exactly (and I’m not kidding) exactly 150 hairs as stated in the ad. After I was done, there was a hard sell by a very attractive young woman (seems she could work as a hostess) to do more sessions and sign on to some sort of contract, kind of like a membership. Of course, I resisted the urge and just said the good ole’ 検討しますand left. I did have a superficial, light-hearted chat with her for about 20 minutes, so it was nice.

    TLDR; not worth the hassle, but an interesting experience that you can pay with your time if you so choose.

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