Enishi International School: Sketchy or Not?

Does anyone here work at Enishi International School? Would you recommend working here as a first year teacher or should I remain in my home country to accumulate experience? I have read some questionable reviews about their admin but wanted to hear other people’s opinions.

  1. I can guarantee that if an international school is looking to hire a first year teacher this late in the hiring season, it is not a place you want to work. Honestly, nearly all international schools do a poor job providing mentoring and support to new teachers. I suggest you stay in your home country and work in the public school system, ideally with mentorship of experienced teachers. After a few years experience you will be a much more attractive hire and could get a job at a mid tier international school where you’ll likely have a much better first international teaching experience.

  2. I’ve not heard of it but then again I dont know many schools aside from the big ones. Could always work your way down the basics;

    – check for accreditations
    – check the tuition cost
    – check the staff (nationalities, experience/quals, etc)
    – if available, check the contact hours, obligations, calender and holidays, salary, etc

  3. If it’s the one in Nagoya they are legit. IB accredited school for PYP MYP and DP.

  4. The students that come from there are generally very low level in my experience.

    It is a bigger school so they likely are following general labor laws.

    It’s not super sketch to hire teachers mid-year. People do quit mid-year, get pregnant and take leave, etc.

    Maybe try asking in FB Central Japan Teachers or Nagoya Expat Help groups.

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