IC cards in Okinawa + travel tips

I’m planning a 2 day trip from Taiwan to Okinawa (Naha airport). I’ve only ever been to Tokyo, so I have some questions.

-Is mid September a good time to go to Okinawa? I was originally planning to go September 11-13, but I heard it’s typhoon season. Would it still be worth it?

-Can I use a Suica card to ride the MRT in Okinawa? I know it was Okica only a few years back, has it changed?

-Does anyone have tips for taking the ferry to Furuzamami Beach? What are the hours (to and back)?

  1. September is a good time, but just be prepared for a bit of rain. In case of typhoon, things will be closed/flights cancelled. Don’t let that deter you from going in September though.

    Yes you can use Suica in Okinawa.

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