Example Sentences for JLPT N5 Kanji (2000+ sentences in total with search feature)

Hi, I’m Marshall!

I have made 2000+ example sentences for JLPT N5 Kanji, there are 105 N5 kanji in total, and 20 example sentences for every N5 kanji.

Below is the link!


Hope it’s helpful!

  1. Taking N4 next month, this is going to be extremely helpful in giving me a benchmark! Thank you.

  2. Quite a few of the examples have a lot of higher level kanji so it made me double take on it being N5 focused for a second. Realized you meant that it was kanji usage only.

    Great examples overall! Wish I had a resource like this way back in the day!

  3. Thing is: there are many many different pronunciations of certain elementary kanji, e.g., 「一」 and without the furigana, you can’t be sure which is used in what context…

    Consider adding hiragana to clarify the kanji in context after the sentence:

    「一度」= 「いちど」

  4. Some of the sentences have grammar and kanji beyond N5, but it looks very helpful if you are using this to create Anki decks using Yomichan.

  5. I love it, but… Can you make it so the translation is hidden until you click on it?

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