Incoming JET Higashihiroshima-shi, Hiroshima

I just got my placement info today for Higashihiroshima-shi. Wanted to know if anyone could provide any extra info about the area and housing if possible? Know nothing about it so far!

Very much appreciated!

  1. It’s a nice place. It’s where the main airport in Hiroshima is. It’s about 45 minutes away from Hiroshima City. If you’re in Saijo, the main city in Higashi Hiroshima, you can bus or train to Hiroshima City easily on weekends. Saijo also holds the annual Sake Festival every October, and it’s some of the most fun I’ve had in Japan. They just restarted it after several years off due to Covid. Hiroshima University is also located in Saijo. There are a lot of international students there, which means lots of great international food during festivals! The Chugoku region JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) branch is also in Saijo, so there will be plenty of opportunities for volunteering and international exchange if you’re interested. When I was a Hiroshima JET in 2006, we had our orientation at the JICA building and stayed there for a week or so. I don’t know if they still do that, but if you’re based in Saijo or close enough to it you won’t have to spend the night there.

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