Moving to Japan as transgender female

Let’s say I finish my transition legally (civil documents say female) in my home country and immigrate to Japan, will they accept my new sex on legal docs even if I haven’t had surgery?
Any other issues to worry about?
Thank you.

  1. Just based on what Ive heard from ppl living in japan. Its hard to fit in there. Know what to expect, mebtally prepare for it. Google it and see if you find others living there and how they feel.

  2. >will they accept my new sex on legal docs even if I haven’t had surgery?

    From a legal perspective your gender is what your legal documents say it is. Neither immigration nor customs will conduct a trouser check. That’s why it’s important to have your documents updated before you come.

    I’d suggest giving Stonewall Japan a check. I’ve heard the specific references in the guide may be out of date, but it should still give you a good starting point.

  3. legally yes as long as your documents say female (passport) you will be legally a female. That being said Japanese people do not understand transgenderism and it may cause many issues for you in daily life. Things such as finding stable employment or even renting an apartment could be difficult (already difficult for non trans foreigners). Discrimination vs transgender people is a rather big but often times not talked about issue in Japan which the law unfortunately is not on your side for.

    Expect discrimination in daily life to a degree far higher than you currently encounter.

    All this being said if this is what you want do it! Just be ready.

  4. /u/laika_cat maybe there should be a “moving to Japan as trans” FAQ in the Wiki because the G in LGBTQ clearly does not stand for “googling a very frequently asked question.”

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