Lawyers in Japan say Unification Church lying about not extorting donations from followers

Lawyers in Japan say Unification Church lying about not extorting donations from followers

  1. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – BBC News (A): [What did Shinzo Abe mean to Japan?](
    – Foreign Affairs (B+): [Why Shinzo Abe Thought Japan Had to Change](
    – New Zealand Herald (A-): [Japan says final goodbye to assassinated former leader Shinzo Abe](
    – Global News (B+): [Shinzo Abe’s assassination shows political violence is growing worldwide, experts say](

    [__Extended Summary__]( | [More: What did Shinzo Abe mean …]( | [FAQ & Grades]( | I’m a bot

  2. There was an active chapter of the unification church at my university. There were some SICK and TWISTED teachings. It was as if the founder took teachings from random religions and farted out whatever the hell he wanted to make it appealing.

    The point is, I hope the unification church collapses. Cults are so damaging and such a bane to society, particularly ones like this group

  3. The money and orgies must be addictive to the ones in power and the ones seeking love from those in power.

  4. Abe, three generations of his family, and the LDP itself are directly linked / intertwined with the Unification Church and its numerous affiliated groups. This puts into question the political motivations of Abe when PM, as well as many LDP policies in general going back decades.

    Abe was always about carrying out the unfinished business of his grandfather, along with trying to cleanse his reputation. Knowing more details about his grandfathers past and how the LDP itself came to be is, quite frankly, chilling.

    The history of the Unification Church is a jaw dropping story of power, political corruption, and genocide, among other things. Check out the two ‘Behind the Bastards’ podcast episodes titled ‘The Moonies are so much worse than you could possibly imagine’ for a general overview. They talk about Japan at about 51:00 into the first episode for those who want Japan specific info.

    Here are some articles that explain Abe’s links to the group, and some historical background that puts a lot of things in a very different light.





  5. Japanese war criminals and their descendants and South Korean Christo-fascists teaming up to make Asia a worse place

  6. Yeah no shit. Are we allowed to criticize Abe and the LDP for throwing their lots in with these people in this thread or is that still disrespectful?

  7. Tax all religious groups. There’s a reason politicians are cozy with them. They are good places to launder money and accept cash bribes from because their financials are veiled. Plus you get their supporters’ votes so it’s a win-win.

  8. I am a little curious. How has this incident affected Zainichi residents? Has there been a noticeable increase in persecution or general online hate towards them? Are people using this incident as a prime example to further blame Koreans for societal problems in Japan?

  9. It seems like the turds are all floating to the top now.


    > Tomihiro Tanaka, president of the Japanese branch of the religious group, countered that Yamagami’s mother’s donations were based on her own will, and explained that the group had “had donation trouble in the past, but we have been in thorough compliance since 2009. Now we do not force people to donate money.”

    …it does seem strange that this cult wouldn’t ask their cultists where they are getting the money from, to at least ensure that they are definitely not accidentally forcing them into hardship.

    Edit: OK, how many Moonies are in here? O_o

  10. When the moonies have the backing of corrupt political bullies like Abe, they can get away with anything. I wonder how many other politicians have some cult skeletons in their closet.?

  11. Good on the Mainichi for covering this. The major news outlets have been steering clear of this obviously topical story.

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